Panda Class Blog (Y1/2)
Welcome to our new blog for 2024-25! We hope to share all the wonderful things we are learning about in Year 1 and 2.
Our Class teachers are Mrs E. Millard (Mon, Tues and alternate Wed) and Mrs E. Kerbey (Wed-Fri). Our teaching assistant is Mrs D. Airey.
We have indoor PE every Tuesday and outdoor PE every Friday, children need to come to school on both days in their PE kit please.
Y1/2 Curriculum Overview 2024-25 Y1/2 Writing Curriculum 2024-25
Friday 14 February 2025 What a Great Term! What a fabulous term we have had! We hope everyone has had a great day today and are looking forward to a lovely week next week.
Friday 7 February 2025 Healthy fruit salads for everyone! What a fun week we have had in Panda Class this week. We have been thinking about what foods help us to stay healthy and how we can prepare them safely. We talked about how to use the claw and bridge technique to chop, slice and cut fruit safely and which parts of the fruit we could eat. After we had designed our fruit salads, we then prepared them carefully and safely before we enjoyed eating them. It was delicious, colouful and nutritious and the children worked safely and carefully. Great job Panda Class!
Friday 31 January 2025 Cooking and Calculations! What a busy week we've had! So much fabulous and varied learning - it's been wonderful to see the children trying hard to figure things out and develop this skills.
Friday 24 January 2025 Mighty Musicians and Mathematicians Panda Class have worked their socks off this week and we have been blown away by their amazing attitude to learning.
Friday 17 January 2025 Pandas - Lighthouse Keepers Lunch This week, Panda Class have continued to read and explore the wonderful book, The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. We have been learning about how to use an apostrophe correctly to show that something belongs to someone, we have thought about sequencing events, thought about the questions that we might ask the characters, and thought about how the characters are feeling at different points in the story.
Friday 10 January 2025 A Warm but Wintery Welcome back! Welcome back Panda Class. The children have come back excited and ready to learn.
Friday 20 December 2024 Merry Christmas Pandas! What a fabulous end to the term we have had this week! The children were absolutely fabulous in their Christmas Nativity performances on Monday and Wednesday. We hope you were as proud as we were when you watched them up there on the stage.
Friday 13 December 2024 Our amazing Christmas Crackers! We have had another really busy week in Panda Class where the children have worked their socks off! They have had lots of fun learning about 2D and 3 D shapes and as this unit of maths comes to a close we have been so proud of how much the children have learnt about pattern, symmetry and knowing the properties of shapes. They know the point where edges meet are called vertices, the flat parts of 3D Shapes are faces and the line are called edges. See how many shapes you can spot around your home and everyday objects that are cuboids, cylinders, spheres and triangular prisms.
Friday 6 December 2024 Perching Pandas at the Panto! What a wonderful week we've had in Panda Class!
Friday 29 November 2024 SS Great Britain and 2D shapes What a fantastic day we had last Friday when we visited the SS Great Britain. The children had lots of fun seeing first hand Brunel's amazing achievements. We began by looking around the top deck where we saw lots of animals they would have carried on their voyages, either to feed the first class passengers with fresh meat or to provide them with eggs and fresh milk. We then enjoyed looking around the first class sleeping areas and dining room, adorned with gold and velvet cushions. It was interesting to compare the first class areas to the sterrage areas and we all decided we would rather travel as firsts class passengers. We also really enjoyed being able to explore under the ship, being able to see the iron hull and the screw propeller. The children were a credit to our school and behaved beautifully.
Friday 22 November 2024 A chilly, busy week! It's been a little strange in Panda Class this week, with lots of children feeling poorly at the beginning of the week... but those of us who were there did lots of lovely learning, and it was great to see more children join us again, feeling better, as the week went on!
Friday 15 November 2024 Perceptive Poems Published to end our Zim Zam Zoom topic! What a fantastic way Panda class finished their week by publishing (writing up in best to be displayed on the wall) their firework poems. We were SOO proud of the determination some of the children showed when they had made a mistake in their 'best' work and were asked to do it again. They are really developing resilience and a positive mindset which was fantastic to see and the pride they felt seeing their work go straight up on the wall was lovely. Great job everyone!
Friday 18 October 2024 Panda Class Guess Who? It's been another busy week in Panda Class with more fabulous learning from all the children. We hope that you enjoyed seeing the work that the children have been doing in their books this term when you came along to parents evening this week. We certainly enjoyed seeing you all and talking to you about how your children have settled in to Panda Class since September.
Friday 11 October 2024 Skillful scientists and wonderful writers This week Panda Class have continued to enjoy finding out about animals; discovering what they eat and how to classify them as Herbivores, Carnivores an Omnivores. They have also had lots of fun working scientifically to identify what animals may have been prowling around by looking at the clues they have left behind. We had lots of fun using magnifying glasses and taking our learning outside to follow the clues.
Friday 4 October 2024 Budding Artists head to Bath! Last Thursday, Panda class, along with Leopards and Zebras, headed out on their first trip of the year to Holburne Museum in Bath. We have been studying sculpture in out Art topic since the beginning of the term, so this trip was to enrich this learning, getting to see art and sculpture in a gallery.
Friday 4 October 2024 Budding Artists head to Bath! Last Thursday, Panda class, along with Leopards and Zebras, headed out on their first trip of the year to Holburne Museum in Bath. We have been studying sculpture in out Art topic since the beginning of the term, so this trip was to enrich this learning, getting to see art and sculpture in a gallery.
Friday 27 September 2024 Only one, wonderful and Unique Me! This week we have come to the end of our learning using the story Can I build another me? We have been thinking about all the things we can do or can't do yet; all the things Kevin can and can't do and finally thinking creatively about what job we might do when we are grown up! We created lovely imaginative ideas to try and extend our sentences with adjectives and different conjunctions such as When I grow up I want to be a fabulous baker with great big fuzzy hair but I don't want to be a fast runner with long bendy legs. We practiced saying our sentences over and over again before writing them so that we could focus on using a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces. We have seen such an improvement already in some of the children's writing. Great Job Panda Class. You are super stars!
Friday 13 September 2024 Naming Nouns and Proud Portraits This week Panda Class have been very busy settling into new class routines; new groups for RWI and mastering number. It takes lots of brain power remembering where to find different resources, how to set our work out neatly keeping writing on the line or single digits in different boxes as well as starting to learn lots of new information. Well done Panda class you should be super proud of much effort you are showing and how kindly you are helping each other. What a fab start!
Friday 6 September 2024 Welcome to Panda Class! Welcome back Pandas after a lovely summer break! What a fantastic start Panda Class have made in getting to know each other and making everyone feel very welcome. It has been a very positive start to the year with lots of kindness and thoughtfulness being shown to each other throughout the week. It has been great to hear about some of the wonderful places the children have been to including Spain, Minorca, Cornwall and Wales, Devon and France. The class have enjoyed spending time with cousins and grandparents, friends and parents over the summertime, playing in the garden, going to the park, soft play or watching a film at the cinema.
Friday 19 July 2024 Happy Summer Holiday Panda Class
Thursday 11 July 2024 Amazing Band performance and Awesome car testing What a fun day we have had in Panda class. On Thursday we were so fortunate to experience the wonderful music performed by the New Orleans Band who's music was inspiring, fun and uplifting. It was so lovely to see the pure enjoyment on the children's faces as they sang, clapped and danced along to the fantastic musicians. They children were captivated by the Tuba, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone and drum and returned to the classroom inspired and full of enthusiasm. It was great to see.
Friday 5 July 2024 Constructing Cars and Persuasive Letters This week, the children had great fun constructing their cars. They had to choose wheels and make sure they fitted on the axles properly. The children then had great fun attaching doors and windows using pivot and hinge joins. They have really enjoyed their DT topic on cars this term.
Friday 28 June 2024 Colourful colour run and creative cars! Another busy week in Panda Class! The children are really enjoying their new DT topic learning about how to make a moving car. They have been testing out different ways to attach an axle to a chassis and the best way to fix the wheels to an axle. The children have been very creative in making axles from sticks, pencils, dowels or straws. They had a good attempt at cutting out wheels but decided it was more successful to use pre cut ones! They have also designed what they would like their finished vehicle to look like, ready to create it next week.
Friday 21 June 2024 Busy Weeks in Panda's - week 3 This week in Panda Class we have been very busy! In Math's we have been consolidating money. The year 1 children have been familiarizing themselves with coins and notes and the year 2’s have been giving change from £1.
Friday 14 June 2024 Marvelous Motor Museum visit! Panda Class have been working hard again this week finding out about ordering numbers, adding up using £ and p in maths. In IT we have been starting a topic using Scratch Jr and finding out about how create a sequence of commands to change how our sprite moves. Panda Class have also really enjoyed reading Mrs Armitage on wheels and were very creative in their design of new characters and new vehicles. I cant wait to read their stories next week using their new characters and creations. Finally we have been learning more interesting facts about how over time, cars have made it easier for people to travel for work and pleasure. We also learnt how Betha Benz, Carl Benz's wife, introduced her husbands invention to the world and it changed our lives forever. By the end of 1895 there were only up to 15 cars on the road in the whole of the UK but by 1969 there were over 10 million!. Today we were fortunate enough to visit the Haynes Motor museum where the children got a chance to sit in
Friday 7 June 2024 Panda's Term 6 Week 1! It’s been a fantastic first week back and the sun has been shining each day. The children have all come back feeling refreshed and ready to go for their last term in Panda class. Please make sure that the children bring in a sun hat if they have one. We do have sunhats at school if not. Suntan lotion is a must and needs to be applied before school each day.
Friday 24 May 2024 Super Sports Stars! What a lovely way to end the term with a wonderful sports day. The weather was perfect, the activities were fun and the children joined in enthusiastically. Thank you to all of the parents who were able to join us and support their children taking part. The carousel of activities enabled the children to keep active for the whole afternoon and helped the children to show real sportsmanship qualities such as teamwork, determination, friendship and resilience. Well done Panda Class you were real Super Stars!
Friday 17 May 2024 Lots of Sewing in Panda Class! It’s been a fantastic week in Panda class with lots going on! In Design, the children have had great fun learning to sew. They have been busy bees practicing their running stitch and all did so well. The children all followed their plans very carefully to decorate their puppets.
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