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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base




The creative element involves children using materials and equipment to represent objects realistically and imaginatively, and to express ideas and feelings.

With this in mind, breadth and depth of the subjects is offered with a wide range of materials and skills. Art is an inclusive subject which has many possibilities across culture and time. Pupils look and study a variety of artists, artisans and craft workers, both local and world-wide, both current and in the past.  We have recently been awarded the Silver Artsmark.

The evaluative element enables pupils to develop skills in assessing their own learning and that of other artists, and to understand the value and significance of art in society.

All year groups have regular opportunities to visit galleries, museums and other venues for maximum exposure to as varied a range of art and craft work as possible. We have whole school art days which allow us to immerse our skills and creativity into whole school projects that reflect our values and ethos. A great example of this is our whole school art project 'Around the World' which culminates in an exciting exhibition for parents and the local community to visit.


Children have a natural desire to design and make things and we encourage this through the teaching of Design and Technology.  

Design and Technology is an exciting area of the curriculum that combines scientific concepts, technological ideas and creativity. It encourages children to think like engineers and to develop their skills of designing, creating and evaluating.

The development of these important skills, concepts and attitudes is at the root of good primary practice. The Design and Technology process involves analysis, problem solving, making and evaluating skills; all important skills for children to learn in life.

Children use their creativity and imagination to design, make and problem solve using a variety of materials. The aim is to provide children with the opportunities to build and apply the knowledge, understanding and skills to complete practical tasks successfully and to use appropriate tools safely.  Children across the school have the opportunity to prepare and cook healthy food, use different textiles, build structures, and explore and use mechanisms.  

Each class covers a range of Design and Technology projects over the year, e.g.  Year 1 design and make simple structures experimenting with the most stable shape and in Year 2 the children make moving vehicles when learning about how transport has changed. 

Useful art/DT websites 



 Make an origami bookmark and decorate it. Use your bookmark when you are doing your

reading at home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVkJPCp_1UQ&safe=active 

Pinterest has lots of creative ideas www.pinterest.co.uk 

Make an origami fish and decorate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reQupTXxcMU  

Music – guess the instrument.

Use the video link to see if you can work out what instrument is being played. Can you make a musical instrument out of containers/recyclable objects at home. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4zQI7mTvhs 

Paint by number – free colouring book and puzzle game.

Twinkle has lots of colouring resources and art topics you could look at. www.twinkl.co.uk/offer  enter code UKTWINKLHELPS 

Art/DT Unplugged - activities to do without the internet