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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to the website of Westbury Infant School. My name is Stacey Budge, and I am very proud to be the Headteacher of this school.

I have 3 children of my own and understand how important it is as parent to feel confident about your child’s school and trust the staff to take care of them, as well as teaching them to read, write and count.

At Westbury Infant School, we have an exceptionally caring, family atmosphere where we know children really well, and care about each one of them as an individual. This ethos extends to the whole family and we are always available to support you in any way we can. 

We are privileged to share this time with your child and ensure that the foundation skills of literacy and numeracy are taught effectively within a playful and creative curriculum.

Westbury Infant School is the only infant school in Westbury. This means that we are the only school in Westbury that specializes in the Early Education of children. Children develop a huge amount during the ages of 4-7 and as Early Years educators, we are privileged to share this time with your child and ensure that the foundation skills of literacy and numeracy are taught effectively within a playful and creative curriculum.

Our staff are very highly skilled and each class has a full time Teaching Assistant as well as a Teacher. Many children also benefit from additional adult support in small groups or 1:1 as needed. Westbury Infant School benefits from a Resource Base for up to 20 children with complex needs. These children have their own classroom and staff but also spend timetabled sessions with a linked mainstream class. 

At Westbury Infant School, we have an exceptionally caring, family atmosphere where we know children really well, and care about each one of them as an individual. 

 The indoor environment is very well resourced with attractive and stimulating displays. The decoration is neutral and classes are well organized to ensure that bright colours and cluttered shelves do not over stimulate children. The use of natural materials- wood, glass, hessian, enhance this calm atmosphere for learning.Our school is situated in spacious, beautiful grounds for the children to explore and play. There is a large trim trail at the front of the school, a big playground, an adventure playground and a sensory garden.This gives our children fantastic opportunities to extend their learning outside the classroom and plenty of space for playtimes.

We offer the children a rich, broad and balanced curriculum which is further enhanced with lots of school trips and visitors. We plan 4 main trips each year, which are closely linked to the curricuulm planning. This means that across the 3 years that children learn in our school, they will have a minimum of 12 enrichment trips which are carefully planned to widen their life experiences and support their learning e.g visits to museums, galleries, theatres.

Emotional wellbeing is vital for young children to learn, grow and develop. We provide support for all children through the use of THRIVE. Our family support worker also provides support for parents and carers who need advice or help at any time.

All classrooms have interactive smart boards and Wi-Fi access for iPads and laptops. 

Although our children are all very young, the importance of ICT to their leaning is not underestimated. All classrooms have interactive smart boards and Wi-Fi access for iPads and laptops. We have 2 full class sets of iPads which are available for the children to use in their learning. 

Lunchtimes are an important part of the day for us at Westbury Infant School. All our children are entitled to a free meal and we see this not only as an opportunity for eating well, but as a sociable occasion. Our children use porcelain plates and real glasses. They are encouraged to pass cutlery to each other and pour their own water when they are able. We have a very high number of Mid Day Supervisory Assistants compared to other schools, which recognizes the importance we place on the care of children at this time. Our daily 3-course menu is cooked on the premises and offers a choice of starter, main course and dessert. Have a look at our latest menu for some ideas of what we offer.

Most children from Westbury Infant School transfer to Westbury Junior School. Our two schools work closely together to ensure that there is a consistency of approach to teaching and assessment. There is a comprehensive transition program to support the children moving from one school to the other. 

We hope you gather an insight into life at Westbury Infant School from our website.