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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

School Day

When they arrive at school, children need time to deal with books, folders, coats, sandwich boxes etc and can be anxious and distressed if they are late.

  • We urge you to make every effort to be on time, as late arrivals are very disruptive for teachers and children who have already begun the day.
  • Children go into class from the playground  at 8.45am.
  • All children must be in their classes and settled by 8.55am, when the school day starts with registration.
  • Morning play lasts for 15 minutes. The children have the opportunity to use the trim trail and adventure playground on a rota basis (weather permitting).
  • Lunchtime is divided into two  sessions.
  • Reception 12.00am - 1.00pm,  Year 1/2  12.30pm - 1.30pm.
  • Dinners are served in the hall at 12.00am, 12.30pm  & 1:00pm. Those children having hot meals or sandwiches, eat their lunches together in the hall.
  • Children may play outside before or after lunch, or, if it is wet, they will be supervised in the classrooms by the MDSAs.
  • The afternoon teaching session is from 1.00pm to 3.15pm for Reception and for Year 1/2  1.30pm  to 3.15pm.
  • Children must be collected from school by 3.20pm.