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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

YR Remote Learning Page

If the whole year group is required to learn remotely for any reason e.g. COVID-19 lockdown or extreme weather forces site to close (snow...), this is where you will find remote learning for your child.

In the event of remote learning being activated, you can email us with any questions or concerns, or use the TAWK instant chat app which you can see in the bottom right corner of the page. We will get back to you as soon as we can between the hours of 9am and 3:05pm.

Koala Class email - Mr Brewer: class8@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk

Kangaroo Class email - Miss Thrippleton: class7@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk

Wednesday 8th March 2023

Good Morning Everyone,

For learning today, we have put together some activities for phonics, maths and topic. The children split into groups for phonics so please check who their phonic teacher is and the follow the link for their group.

Mr Brewer’s Group:






Mr Horniman’s Group:





Mrs Smith and Mrs Gibbs





Miss Adlam’s Group






Miss Grieve’s Group







Maths – Combining two groups and Number Nine



We have also looked at the number nine - Why not have a go at one of the activities suggested here. 

Topic – We are looking at farms in our topic this week

We have looked at the story ‘Farmer Duck’ why not revisit the story here:


Then why not carry out one of these activities?

 Should you need any further information then please get in touch. 




Friday 18th February 2022

RWI: The children split into five different groups for Read, Write, Inc. Hopefully they know who their RWI teacher is! Click on the links below.

Mr Brewer and Miss Thrippleton's Groups:

Speed Sound 'ch'

Fred Talk Time

Fred's Toy Box

Word Time  1.2 (2)

Miss Hues' Group:

Speed Sound 'qu'

Word Time 1.4 (1)

Miss Adlam and Miss Smith's Groups:

Speed Sound 'ng'

Word Time 1.6 (1)

For Miss Smith's group, please also click the next link. 

Read and Hold a Sentence (Green 1)


Growing 6, 7 and 8 Week 3, Session 5

As an extra activity you could perhaps make some cakes to celebrate completing half of the Reception year! You could email your class teacher with a photo, showing off your skills!

To start your afternoon session, we have another yoga adventure.

Now listen to the story 'Katie in London'. How many landmarks will you recognise from the story 'Emma Jane's Aeroplane'?

Now create a map of the places that Katie visits. You could also use 'Google Earth' to try and find them!


Have a fantastic holiday. See you all on Tuesday 1st March 2022. 


Friday 23rd July 2021

Jobs for today!

  • Please email in your Year 1 work completed this week 
  • Following on from our meeting with Olympian, Yona Knight-Wisdom earlier this month, have a look at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games opening ceremony which will be on BBC1 from 12pm.

Thursday 22nd July 2021

Year 1 work:

Following on from the previous three days we would like you to finish off this work by adding some information about:

  • What job you would like to do when you are older
  • Your favourite story
  • Some facts about your new class animal - Butterfly, Glow Worm, Ladybird


Your maths today is to make a treat for you and your family. Find and follow your favourite recipe such as jam tarts, muffins, gingerbread people, shortcake, Victoria sponge etc. Take care when measuring the ingredients and make sure you keep an eye on the time.



Log on to Charanga using the link below.


  • Listen to the song 'I feel good'. Do you like it? How does it make you feel? Dance to the beat.
  • Watch the short clip 'Finding out about Music' - pitch. This is a musical term you will be using in Term 1.
  • Watch and learn the song 'In the Big Blue Sea' (see below). This is a very repetitive song so see if you can sing along. You can practise your counting too!

  • Finally, back on Charanga, enjoy singing along to 'Big Bear Funk'. 

Finish the day with this story.


Wednesday 21st July 2021

Year 1 work:

Following on from the work set on Monday and Tuesday, today we would like you to add some information about:

  • Any pets you may have or want to have
  • Your favourite time of year
  • Your favourite foods
  • Your favourite superhero

It would be great to add some drawings to go with your information.


Make up a target game, for example get 'ten green bottles' lined up outside and throw a wet sponge at them. Try and knock down different amounts, saying how many are standing and how many have been knocked over. 

If it is really hot, ask a grown up to throw a wet sponge at you ten times. How many splat you? How many can you dodge? Repeat...but this time you aim at the grown up. Have fun!



Log on to real PE at home by clicking on the link below. Click on the theme 'cat' and complete the cat skills. If you get to green skills, you could use that wet sponge again!

real PE at home: Cat

Remember to keep practising your skipping. If you get too hot, have a dip in a paddling pool.

Listen to this story, you can learn the song as well!


Tuesday 20th July 2021

The last Read, Write, Inc of the year!

Mrs Smiths and Miss Jones' Groups:

Word Time Reading: oy

Word Time Spelling: oy

Mr Brewer and Miss Adlam's Groups:

Word Time Reading: or

Word Time Spelling: or

Miss Grieve's Group:

Word Time Reading: 1.7 (3)

Word Time Spelling: 1.7 (3)


Find somewhere nice and cool to complete your mathseeds work.


Next a little revision.

Numberblocks: Five and Friends

 Year 1 work:

Watch the lesson in the link below.

To identify important periods of transition

Following on from your work yesterday, we would now like you add a couple more sentences for your new Year 1 teacher.

The first can be about what you are most excited about in your new class - 

I am excited because...

The second can be about what you are nervous about - 

I am a little nervous because...

Next, draw some things that you love and some things that you are good at.

To finish the day we have the story of Tiddler.

Monday 19th July 2021

Read, Write, Inc:

Mrs Smiths and Miss Jones' Groups:

Word Time Reading: ou

Word Time Spelling: ou

Mr Brewer and Miss Adlam's Groups:

Word Time Reading: ar

Word Time Spelling: ar

Miss Grieve's Group:

Speed Sound: nk

Word Time Spelling: 1.7 (1)


Please order your number cards in a record time, then see if you can find the total of two cards and find the same total with a different pair of cards. For example, 1 and 6 = 4 and 3. How many times can you do this? You may want to draw or collect small items to help.

Next continue with your work on Mathseeds.


Year 1 work:

Watch the lesson in the link below.

To reflect on the year that is finishing

Now we would like you to start some special work for your new Year 1 teacher. Today we will start with a couple of sentences and a couple of pictures.


My name is... and my favourite toys are...

I enjoyed Reception because...


One of you now you are (or very nearly!) five years old.

One of your new teacher when she was five years old. Do you think she looked different? How?

We will add more to this over the next few days.

Self-Isolation Work for 7th - 15th July 2021 is below

Welcome back! For our new members of Reception we have a Tawk chat facility at the bottom of this page of the website which can be used in school hours if you have any questions. Please email a photo of some of the work you have completed, every few days. Many thanks.

Thursday 15th July 2021

Read, Write, Inc:

Watch the lessons for your group then go outside and write lots of different sounds as targets (you could use chalks, post it notes, paper etc). Then get a squeezy bottle and squirt water at the sounds needed to make each word, set by your grown up. You get bonus points if you can secretly stick a sound to the back of your grown up and give it a squirt as well. Any photos will be most welcome!

Mrs Smiths and Miss Jones/Miss Lester's Groups:

Word Time Reading: 'air'

Word Time Spelling: 'air'

Mr Brewer and Miss Adlam's Groups:

Word Time Reading: oo

Word Time Spelling: oo

Miss Grieve's Group:

Speed Sound: ng

Word Time Reading: 1.6 (10)

Word Time Spelling: 1.6 (10)


On the Move; Week 3, Session 4

Mathseeds is still available today and throughout the holiday!


Today you get to make a boat! The video is quite fast, so just pause it if needed. May I suggest that you should try floating it, not in the sink, but in a paddling pool! Have fun!

Understanding the World: Float and Sink, Lesson 3 of 3

Hopefully you have all had a bright, sunny smile on your face today. If you have, enjoy this story. If you haven't...I can always email a different story to you :-) 


Wednesday 14th July 2021

Read, Write, Inc:

After you have watched the lessons, please have a practise at the following letters: a, c, d, g and o. If you have been taught to do the 'here we go', remember to do it!

Mrs Smith and Miss Jones/Miss Lester's Groups:

Word Time Reading: 'or'

Word Time Spelling: 'or'

Mr Brewer and Miss Adlam's Groups:

Word Time Reading: 'ow'

Word Time Spelling: 'ow'

Miss Grieve's Group:

Speed Sound: qu

Word Time Reading: 1.6 (2)

Word Time Spelling: 1.6 (2)


Watch Session 3 and complete the activity. Perhaps you could include your skipping rope in your obstacle course?

On the Move: Week 3, Session 3

Now watch this Numberblocks to extend your understanding of even and odd numbers.

Numberblocks: Odd Side Story


Understanding the World: Float and Sink, Lesson 2 of 3.

Find out how cars are carried across water. 

Maddie's Do You Know? Car Ferry

Another old favourite to finish the day.


Tuesday 13th July 2021

Read, Write, Inc: 

The individual group work is below. When this is complete can you all have a go at writing a list of animals that live in the sea? Today's story may give you some ideas. If you can think of ten I will be amazed...get to twenty that will be plenty!

Mrs Smith and Miss Jones/Miss Lester's Groups:

Word Time Reading: 'ar'

Word Time Spelling: 'ar'

Mr Brewer and Miss Adlam's Groups:

Word Time Reading: 'igh'

Word Time Spelling: 'igh'

Miss Grieve's Group:

Speed Sound: ch

Word Time Reading: 1.6 (1)

Word Time Spelling: 1.6 (1)


In your home learning books practise writing your numbers using the correct formation. Then order your number cards in record time. Next, sort your number cards into evens and odds. Now have a look at Session 2.

On the Move; Week 3, Session 2


Mrs Bayley has set the music lesson this week.

Hello Starfish and Sea Turtles, I hope you are having a good week so far and enjoying the home learning. Music this afternoon is on Charanga (link below). You will need to login with your username and password which are in your reading diaries. Once logged in you will see today's lesson.

Charanga: Music

The first thing I would like you to do is to listen to the piece of music 'Fantasia on a Theme'. Do you like the music? Why? What does it remind you of? Does it have a fast or slow beat? What instruments can you hear?

Next, listen to Frogs Legs and Dragons Teeth. This is a live concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London.  What instruments can you see? Can you spot the accordion? Perhaps you might like to dance along to this!

Now return to Charanga and under the sections Review Autumn 1 and 2 and Spring 1 and 2, choose some of the nursery rhymes you like the best and sing along! Have a lovely day!

Before the story have a go at some more yoga positions.

Finish the day with this story.


Monday 12th July 2021

Read, Write, Inc:

Work for each group can be found below. To continue with Reading Eggs you will need your log in details.

Mrs Smith and Miss Jones/Miss Lester's Groups:

Word Time Reading: 'ow'

Word Time Spelling: 'ow'

The Read and Hold a Sentence link below appears to be playing up. The children know the process of saying the sentence a few times before writing, using Fred fingers etc. You can give the children a sentence (or two!) to write such as 'I got on the bus and went to the shops'.

Read and Hold a Sentence (P2)

Mr Brewer and Miss Adlam's Groups:

Word Time Reading: 'ee'

Word Time Spelling: 'ee'

Miss Grieve's Group:

Speed Sound: th

Word Time Reading: 1.5 (3)

Word Time Spelling: 1.5 (3)


On the Move: Week 3, Session 1

I have added an old favourite as a story for the end of the day. You may want to watch this early, as it could be used as part of your maths activity.

Perhaps you might want to make some gingerbread men as well...just make sure they don't run away! I'm sure you will have fun being a fox!


Understanding the World: Float and Sink; Lesson 1 of 3

Now go and test some objects yourself. Make a prediction, test it and the record the results in your home learning book.

Friday 9th July 2021

Put on some red, white and blue to help us celebrate England getting to the finals of Euro 2020. There will be a whole school assembly at 2.30pm, to wish England good luck for the final on Sunday.

RWI: Please remember to select the correct group.

Mrs Smith, Miss Jones/Miss Lester's Groups:

Word Time Reading: igh

Word Time Spelling: igh

Read and Hold a Sentence (P1)

Alphablocks: tightrope

Mr Brewer and Miss Adlam's Groups:

Word Time Reading: 'ay'

Word Time Spelling: 'ay'

Alphablocks: Name

Miss Grieve's Group:

Speed Sound 'sh'

Word Time Reading 1.4 (3)

Word Time Spelling: 1.4 (3)

Alphablocks: Champ


On the Move; Week 2, Session 5: Pattern

Numberblocks: Eleven

Can you design 11 football shirts and put a different number each of them? Perhaps you can do one for each of the England squad?


Understanding of the World: At the Beach, Lesson 3


Assembly: Link to be emailed.

Thursday 8th July 2021

RWI: Please remember to select the correct group.

Mrs Smith, Miss Jones/Miss Lester's Groups:

Word Time Reading: ee

Word Time Spelling: ee

Read and Hold a Sentence (G6)

Mr Brewer's and Miss Adlam's Groups:

Speed Sound 'ch'

Word Time Reading 1.7 (5)

Word Time Spelling 1.7 (5)

Miss Grieve's Group:

Speed Sound 'x'

Word Time Reading 1.3 (3)

Word Time Spelling: 1.3 (3)

Now spend some time on your Reading Eggs.


On the Move; Week 2, Session 4 - Patterns

Numberblocks: I Can Count to Twenty

Now spend some time on Mathseeds.


Understanding the World: At the Beach, Lesson 2

Remember to keep practising your skipping skills. Can you set a personal best? We look forward to seeing a short video! Will you earn your skipping medal?

For those not feeling too well, curl up and watch this wonderful story.

The Snail and the Whale

A bonus story!

Wednesday 7th July 2021

RWI: The children work in different groups. Hopefully they know which group they are in!! If not, use the Tawk chat and we can let you know.

Mrs Smith, Miss Jones/Miss Lester's Groups:

Word Time Reading: ay

Word Time Spelling: ay

Read and Hold a Sentence (G5)

Mr Brewer and Miss Adlam's Groups:

Speed Sound 'th'

Word Time Reading 1.7 (4)

Word Time Spelling 1.7 (4)

Miss Grieve's Group:

Speed Sound 'z'

Word Time Reading 1.2 (3)

Word Time Spelling 1.2 (3)

Reading Eggs is also available to use. You should already have your log in details.


Please start with some number formation, if you can't find your number cards can you make some new ones from 0 to 20?

On the Move; Week 2, Session 3

Mathseeds is also available to use. You should already have your log in details.


In this lesson you will identify things you may see at the beach, listen to the story Sally and the Limpet, design and label your own sandcastle and role play a day at the seaside.

Understanding the World: At the Beach, Lesson 1



It is nearly time to return to school! Have you got your school uniform ready? We hope it still fits!

Please make sure that on Monday you bring in your blue books (whether full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty or empty!) and your PE kit. If you have borrowed an iPad that will also need to be returned as we will need them in class! Thank you.

Friday 5th March 2021


For our final Lockdown learning day the new Set 2 sound is 'air'. The Set 1 sound to revise before we go back into our groups on Monday is 'w'. Practise writing these sounds in your blue book along with a short sentence for an extra challenge. We look forward to seeing your blue books on Monday. 

Set 2 Reading 'air'

Set 2 Spelling 'air'

Set 1 Speed Sound 'w'

Set 1 Spelling 1.6 (5)

Now you can all watch this episode of Alphablocks.

Alphablocks Web

Time to stretch your legs.

Another set of animals to meet on Garden Tales whilst having your fruit and milk.

Garden Tales: A Full House


Start by ordering your numbercards from 0 to 10. Can you beat your record? Now ask your grown up to move a couple around. Can you spot what has changed?

Next, watch Session 5, our second day of 'making 10'. Complete the activity set. You will be off on a treasure hunt to find 10 items to put into your ten frame. You can make a big ten frame by using masking tape, sticks or drawing it with chalk. As you find your treasure speak in full sentences about how many you have found and how many you still need to find. 

Building 9 and 10 Week 2 Session 5 Making 10


TEAMS WHOLE SCHOOL STORYTIME IS AT 1.10pm. Find the link on the homepage.

This afternoon you will explore four very different habitats and look closely at why certain animals are suited to living there. You will also look at the different tracks that animals make as they move around their habitats.

Understanding the World: To match animals to an appropriate habitat

Please now spend some time getting your work sorted and stuck in if required. Have a look through at all you have achieved and think about which piece of work you are most proud of and why.

The story today is about a Noodle Oodle bird. What do you think it looks like?

Old Jack's Boat: The Shy Noodle Oodle Bird