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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Coronavirus Information

Please see current operating and outbreak management plans  below. 

wis outbreak management plan 1 9 21.pdf



covid operating plan sept 2021 parents.pdf


 Updated Covid Risk Assessment for September 2021

school covid 19 risk assessment september 2021.pdf


18.1.21 - SEND information report Covid - January 2021

send information report covid 19 january update.pdf

6.1.21 - Risk Assessment for reopening of school following third national lockdown.

RA 6.1.21 for WIS

8.1.21 -  Are you or have you been affected by drugs or alcohol?  
The Directgov site provides guidance to parents on how to discussing drugs with their children, together with advice for parents who may be concerned about their children or their own and drug abuse. Drinkaware gives parents useful information for themselves or how and when to talk to children about alcohol and the NHS site provides lots of useful information on alcohol generally and answering questions around alcohol misuse.

For more help for loved ones experiencing drug and alcohol addiction, contact Rehab 4 Addiction


Dear Parents/Carers
Following the speech from our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson this evening, the school will be closed for ALL children tomorrow and we will be making remote learning available from 9am tomorrow morning. This can be found on your child's year group Remote Learning page on the website:
All applications for places for any vulnerable children or those of key workers need to be received by 12 noon tomorrow please (5.1.21). You will be advised if your application has been successful in the afternoon. Places for these children will start from Wednesday 6th January, 8:50 - 3:05. Please be aware that wraparound (Koala's Club will not be running following the announcement).
Remote learning will be provided for all other children up until February half term. Please refer to our Remote learning Plan for details and information http://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/Remote-Learning/
Please check emails and app alerts regularly for further information. Thank you.

11.12.20 - January reopening plan will remain the same as November Phase 5 plan - see below.  Nothing has changed. 

12.11.20 - new important guidance from the government following the second and current lockdown.  Please click below:

What parents need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges in the autumn term

Phase 5 Re-opening Plan - November drop off and pick up arrangements

 Reception - Starfish & Sea Turtles 

 Year 1 - Badgers & Hedgehogs

 Year 2 - Zebras & Giraffes

 Resource Base - Bears

 Covid Catch-up Plan

Catch-up funding - Interventions


Phase 5 - November re-opening plan

parent plan november 2020.pdf

September full re-opening plan

parent plan september 2020.pdf

Letter to parents and carers from Mrs Minnie House - Chair of Governors.  Letter from CoG

Phase 1 re-opening letters to parents on Jun 2 (25.5.20)

Letter to parents

Proposed re-opening of school on June 1 - Important Information (15.5.20)

Letter to parents


Please click the button below to open our plan for Phase 1 that is proposed for June 1st for Reception, Resource Base and Key worker children (a 4 page plan will open giving all the proposed arrangements).

Phase 1 plan to reopen


Morrisons Vouchers - important information 21.4.20

We are aware of a potential issue with Morrisons vouchers. Now as we begin Term 5, parents are getting the code for £15 each week for each child, which is great! The issue is that Morrisons (unlike other supermarkets) will only redeem vouchers in multiples of £10. However, you can redeem for more than one supermarket on the approved list at the same time - you will need to do it in the same order. So, for example, you can redeem the £15 code as £10 for Morrisons and £5 for Tesco, but you can not keep the remaining £5 for next week/time as a rollover. We understand the frustration with this but we have no say over how Morrisons have decided to issue their vouchers/codes.

However, to make things easier, if you can bear with us, from the half term and for Term 6 we will order them fortnightly for you. This means you will get £30 for one child, £60 for two etc every two weeks, which will make the codes multiples of 10 so it can all be spent in Morrisons for those of you that cannot get to another supermarket very easily.


Update 1.4.20

The new Government scheme for food vouchers for FSM (Free School Meal) families only.
Just to clarify - This is not for ALL children as this support focuses on those eligible for benefits-related free school meals only.
WIS has now registered so vouchers for FSM children only will start from beginning of term 5 (Monday 20 April), ordered on a rolling £15 per week per child.
Therefore we are sad to announce that we are unable to continue providing hot meals for collection or delivery after this Friday 3 April (end of term 4).
We took the bold step to offer a hot meal to ALL our children for these past two weeks, even though we were only required to provide for our benefits-related free school meals. The last meal will be this Friday 4 April.
If your circumstances have changed and you wish to apply for FSM, click https://www.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals 
where it gives further criteria and how to make an application.
Those not eligible for FSM but who are struggling please look at http://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/…/Community-groups-dir… for additional help. You can also contact the school if in urgent need. We will try and help as best we can depending on individual need.

Update 1 April - 


Any Sovereign residents who are facing issues with their income or are concerned about paying their rent should contact them as soon as possible, as additional support is available.
They’re reallocating their teams so that there are more people available to talk with residents to advise about paying rent, claiming benefits, trying to find other work and so on.
Sovereign residents should ring 0300 5000 926 and ask to speak to the Income team, who can also pass callers on to their other specialist teams.
Sovereign ‘Market Rent’ customers should continue to ring 0300 330 9496 for support and advice.

Full details of the measures put in place to support Sovereign’s customers and communities throughout this period can be found on their website: https://my.sovereign.org.uk/artic…/general-articles/covid-19
Sovereign residents who are self-isolating can also let them know online at: https://my.sovereign.org.uk/artic…/general-articles/covid-19

Update 30 March - Easy Read guide to looking after your body and your feelings

Update 25 March - signposting food banks and financial help

Click here for the latest Community Group Directory list from Wiltshire County Council

Foodbanks and support

Crosspoint Westbury

Crosspoint is a Westbury based charity, founded on Christian values, providing a service to enable and support those in our communitty who have issues relating to well being, isolation, proverty or distress.


Warminster Foodbank

Address: N Row, Warminster BA12 9AD

Phone: 01985 214463


Bradford on Avon Foodbank

The Hub @ BA15, Church Street, Bradford on Avon,

BA15 1LS

PHONE 01225 920748

WEBSITE   https://bradfordonavon.foodbank.org.uk

EMAIL : boacommunityhub@gmail.com

Citizens advice  Wiltshire

Needing help, at present time this is online or by phone


Find a Foodbank  link to Trusssel Trust


Storehouse Foodbank - Trowbridge

What is Storehouse?

Storehouse Foodbank is a project that aims to support families, couples and individuals in short term need of food and toiletries

How Is Storehouse Accessed?

Access to Storehouse is freely available to people who are referred by a supporting professional such as a teacher, social worker, doctor, key worker, minister, community adviser, Wiltshire council, Citizens advice centre or through another agreed referral agency. Provisions can be collected from our centre where individuals, couples or families will be provided with three days’ supply of food and toiletries.

Our opening hours are every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am - 12.30pm

Storehouse | Emmanuel Church Buildings (access via Union street) | Trowbridge | Wiltshire | BA14 8RZ

Tel: 07702583143


Fairshare Southwest

https://fareshare.org.uk/fareshare-centres/south-west/What We Do

This is Bristol based

We believe that no good food should go to waste

We redistribute surplus food to charities that turn it into meals.

We are doers. We are a community. We change lives.


Ruksak 45218

About Us

Ruksak45218 is a Registered Charity (1186437), based in Southwick in the County of Wiltshire. Ruksak45218 provides the essentials of bedding, clothing, toiletries, footwear, school stationery, sleeping bags and other items, to young persons aged 5 to 18 years of age in Wiltshire.  We take our name from a derivative of the word Rucksack and the numbers 45218, represent for five to eighteen year olds. We believe in the total equality of ALL young persons and that they should be able to concentrate on their education, free from concerns and distractions over the lack of essential items, they should have, that others on occasion, take for granted. We firmly believe that No Young Person Should Go Without.


Westbury Lions Club



Update 24 March 2020 - Looking after yourself, Looking after your children

Click here for advice, guidance and websites to help.

Updated 19 March 2020 08:21 - letter to parents 

UPdated 20 March 2020 08:56 - letter to parents

Show list Show Grid

Updated 17 March 2020

 If you are absent from school, please see below for advice on self-isolation. 

 This advice applies to those who are self-isolating with own symptoms; member of household with symptoms; part of a vulnerable group.


Government guidance for educational settings - updated 17 March 2020

The most up-to-date Department for Education (DfE)/Public Health England advice for education providers can be read here.

The DfE coronavirus helpline is available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows: - Phone: 0800 046 8687 - Opening hours: 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday.

Useful links: