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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base


At Westbury Infants, children enjoy quality music lessons which have musical sound as the dominant language.

Our music lessons follow the Charanga scheme of work across the school as well as some additional units specifically devised by our Music lead.

Within lessons children listen to music; sing; play tuned and untuned percussion instruments; and participate in group music making activities to their parents and peers.

Music Development Plan

Looking ahead, we are excited to introduce new programs and partnerships that will further enhance our pupils’ musical skills and appreciation. Our Music Development Plan outlines our current offerings and future plans, highlighting our commitment to providing a vibrant and inclusive music education for every child at Westbury Infant School.  Click the link below for more information.

Music Development Plan


Assemblies and Music Festivals.

Children have performance opportunities throughout the year in assemblies, performances and concerts both in school and in the wider community. 

There are weekly singing assemblies where children practice songs.  Every child in the school is learning to play the ocarina and there are assemblies where these are played.

Useful music websites 



EYFS Music Resources from the BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/bring-the-noise/eyfs-sonic-explorers/zhmvnrd 

Musical Dots: free EYFS resources available: https://musicaldots.co.uk/ 

Body Percussion with Beat Goes On: https://www.youtube.com/user/OllieTunmer 

Classic FM David Williams Marvellous Musical Podcasts (more for year 2) https://www.classicfm.com/music-news/david-walliams-marvellous-musical-podcast/

Out of the Ark: one free song a day with downloadable resources during school closures https://www.youtube.com/user/outoftheark/featured?disable_polymer=1


Follow this link to enjoy singing a variety of songs:


Your child can even learn the words and sing the song to their own tune. I have been singing ‘Here We Go on a Big Bear Hunt’ to the tune of ‘Here we go round the Mulberry bush’.  To do this activity, double click the bear presentation on the link above and then click “Present” at the top right of the screen.

Use www.youtube.com   to listen to your favourite pieces of music. Eg ‘I am a music man’.  Act out all the instruments in the song.  You could then perform this to your family.

www.bbc.co.uk and type in nursery rhymes and songs.  There are lots of songs to listen to and enjoy singing along with. 

Unplugged music - activities to do without the internet




  1. Learn a nursey rhyme/favourite pop song off by heart. Sing it to your family.
  2. Listen to your favourite song from the Musicals, eg Lion King, Annie, Matilda, Aladdin.
  3. Clap the beat and hum the tune to your favourite Disney song.
  4. Make a musical instrument, perhaps it could be a drum or a shaker? You could fill a clean can with rice or lentils, stretch a balloon over the top and secure with an elastic band. What sort of sound does it make? Or you could make a Cardboard box guitar, to keep your interest even easier you could use 5-7 rubber bands around a container such as a margarine tub. Stretch the bands around the open end of the container and practice plucking.  How does the sound change?
  5. Listen to The Carnival of the Animals by Saint Saens which is a fantastic zoological fantasy. Pick your favourite one and listen to it.  What does the music remind you of? What instruments can you hear?
  6. Choose your favourite piece of music and draw what comes to your mind.
  7. Play the game ‘Freeze Dance’. Choose a song you enjoy listening to.  Dance to the music and when the song stops, freeze in your dancing position. Who can make the most interesting position?
  8. Play the game ‘Musical Clothes’. You need several items of clothing that make you look like a popstar.  Dance around, when the music stops see how many items of clothing you can put on before the music starts again. Game ends when the first person puts on all their unusual items of clothing. 
  9. Play the game ‘Pop star Charades’. Each member of the family is to write down a favourite pop song and who sings it on a piece of paper.  Fold up the paper and place it in a pot.  Then each of you is to pick out a piece of paper from the bowl and act out the song.
  10. Go outside into your garden and sit and listen for lots of different sounds, eg birds tweeting, lawn mower going, children playing etc. Write/draw the sound that you hear, is it a low sound or a high sound?