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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Our Staff

Senior Leadership Team

We are extremely fortunate to be able to have a number of highly experienced staff working in senior positions across the school.  Click on the photographs for a pen portrait of the member of staff.




We have a fantastically skilled and diverse team of teachers who have a wide range of experience and who teach our 9 classes.

Each class has a maximum number of 30 pupils in each class but we try to keep them as small in number as we can.  We are proud of each and every one of them.



Teaching Assistants

We are fortunate that each class has also has a dedicated skilled TA to support teaching and learning during the school day.  Some children also have a TA to support their extra needs.

 These adults also work in a multitude of ways working with individuals, groups and supporting the whole class.  



Other Staff

We have a caring, efficient and hardworking office team who help to ensure that the school and communication with parents runs smoothly.


Pet Therapy Dog


Family Support Worker

We also have a Family Support Worker who works with the parents and families of the children in our school. 


We also have a number of staff who help support children at lunchtime and before and after school.



 In our kitchen, we have cooks who cook delicious meals for the children (and staff).




We also have a small team of cleaners who work to keep our school clean and safe.      




We are fortunate to have a Caretaker who undertakes many roles in and around the to make our school the best it can be as well as a traffic controller to keep our entrance safe.