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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base


RB Remote learning Page

If the whole cohort is required to learn remotely for any reason e.g. COVID-19 lockdown or extreme weather forces site to close, this is where you will find remote learning for your child.

 Parents and carers of children in our Resource Base can expect a more individualised approach to remote learning and will be contacted by Mr Mould or Mrs Watts if this situation arises.

In the event of remote learning being activated, you can email us with any questions or concerns, or use the TAWK instant chat app which you can see in the bottom right corner of the page. We will get back to you as soon as we can between the hours of 9am and 3:05pm.

Bumblebee Class email - Mrs Hackeson/Mr Mould: RB@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk 


We would also love to see and celebrate any completed work so please do email this to us and we can add it to our class blog. Keep your work together in your blue books to bring into school once we return.

Wednesday 8th March 

The snow has arrived!

Good morning Bumblebees!  Mrs Budge has decided to close the school today to make sure that everyone is kept safe.  Please take a look at the learning below and remember to email across any work that you do so that we can share your successes.

Let's get started by waking up our brains and bodies...




The children split into different groups for Read, Write, Inc. Hopefully they know who their RWI teacher is! Click on the links below.


Miss Hillier, Mrs Airey, Mrs Fitz-Henry Roe’s Groups






Mr Horniman's Group





Miss Grieve's Group







Miss Kearl/Miss Derrick's group






Mrs Watts' Group





Reception Maths

Combining two groups and Number Nine



We have also looked at the number nine - Why not have a go at one of the activities suggested here. 


Reception Activities 

Year One Maths 

Year Two Maths 




If your child usually goes into Millipedes in the afternoon, please take a look at Reception Remote Learning page.

For those who stay in Bumblebees please watch Handa's Hen 

Using whatever materials you have at home - paper, paint, crayons, Lego, rice, lentils or even snow!  Can you make a collage or model of Handa's Hen like the one below:

 Handas hen | Nursery activities, Carnival of the animals, Crafts


Year One 

 We have been looking at the Creation story in RE. We have learned what Christians believe and have thought about what happened on each day.

Listen to the 'Wonderful Earth!' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnWXtV-CyYc 

For today's activity, we would like you to re-tell the Creation story. You can do this in any way you choose, e.g. make puppets and act it out, re-write the story, draw pictures for each day and tell someone at home etc.

Please find the lesson PowerPoint here:

01 the creation story.pdf


Year Two 

It seems a bit strange to be writing this on a snow day but using our topic of Henri Rousseau are you able to make a jungle scene? It could be a snow jungle!

You might want to make a collage or use whatever you have at home. This could be jungle animals, lego or even snow!


If you need a break from all your hard work, why not go outside and make a snowman!  Send us a picture if you do as we'd love to see how creative you are.

We hope you have a lovely day!

Keep warm and stay safe.

The Bumblebee team







Friday 18th February

Here comes the wind!

Hello Bumblebees! To make sure we are all safe, Mrs Budge has closed the school for today. We know that you are super home learners and we know that you will have a really good go at your learning at home today. Just like when we have done home learning before, please remember to email across any work to us on the class emails.

Let's get started by waking up our brains and bodies...




RWI for all groups 



Reception Maths Video - Growing 6, 7, 8 - Week 3, session 5 

As an extra activity you could perhaps make some cakes to celebrate completing half of the Reception year! You could email your class teacher with a photo, showing off your skills! 


Year 1 Maths - Video - One more and less 

Year 1 Maths activity - One more or less 


Year 2 Maths - Video - make patterns with 3D shapes 

Year 2 Maths activity - Make patterns with 3D shapes 




Before we get started on our afternoon learning let's take a few minutes to relax...




Watch Katie in London by clicking on the following link:



Now create a map of the places that Katie visits. You could also use 'Google Earth' to try and find them!


Year 1

Year 1 Music - Keep the pulse 

Year 1 Computing - Beebot 

Use this APP to create algorithms, recognise mistakes and debug them to direct the



Year 2

Year 2 DT  


Story time

Well done Bumblebees. We are so proud of you! Let's end our day with a lovely story. We have chosen Cyril and pat by Emily Gravett. This is the Star book for Reception this term.









rb remote learning timetable 14th jan.pdf


introduction paragraph for home learning tuesdya 5th jan.pdf














