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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base


Home - The Thrive Approach

Mrs Smith is our Thrive Practitioner at school, she works with the class teams to assess all children using the Thrive Class Assessment. Children who are highlighted as having developmental and emotional needs are then assessed using an Individual Thrive Assessment. This allows us to support children with targeted intervention. 

Individual Thrive Action Plans are supported in a variety of ways. The class teams will support children on their targets in class. Some children will need additional support to meet their Thrive targets and these children will have weekly sessions with Mrs Smith.

Each session is 20 minutes long and takes place in our lovely Thrive Area. The sessions focus on building relationships in a fun and creative way, using activities that are very practical, sensory and involve lots of games.

Children with an Individual Thrive Action Plan are re-assessed each term and new targets are put in place. 

Areas we focus on;

Self- Esteem
Friendship Skills
Social Skills
Loss and Bereavement
Anger Management
Behaviour Management