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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Wellbeing at Westbury Infant School

Every child benefits from daily whole class wellbeing sessions where we use a mix of approaches including yoga, meditation, mindfulness, guided relaxation, therapeutic stories, problem solving, exploring feelings and emotions.

At the core of each of these approaches is the importance of giving children an emotional vocabulary, the time and space to listen and reflect on how they feel and a set of tools to help them move to a more positive set of feelings when sadness, frustration, anger, loneliness, grief are experienced.

Other Ways we Promote Health and Wellbeing in School include

  • a school with caring and dedicated staff
  • a school ethos inspired by our 4 Core Values of Respect, Friendship, Teamwork and Excellence which has children’s social and emotional well-being at the heart of it
  •  Designated Senior Mental Health Lead, Mrs Jeffery

  • designated member of staff, Mrs Smith (Family Support Worker) to liaise with families to provide the support available to help to meet the child’s needs or signpost them to somebody who may be able to help
  • our Headteacher, Mrs Budge is the Wellbeing Lead for the staff
  • A wellbeing room -  The Calm Room

  • A THRIVE room - The Rainbow Room
  • two specially-trained THRIVE practitioners who deliver emotional literacy support

  • whole school assembly themes to promote and support SEMH;

  • circle time sessions in all year groups;

  • annual workshop sessions with 'The Education Life Bus'

  • marking World Mental Health Day and Mental Health Awareness Week in school;
  • a comprehensive range of health and sporting activities across the curriculum and in after-school clubs

  • a behaviour curriculum that employs a restorative approach and a reward system that encourages children to embody our school values.

Six Top Tips to Support Wellbeing