School Council
Our school council aims to :
- To emphasise the school as a community.
- To involve the pupils as partners in promoting the school ethos of making it a happy place to be.
- To learn self- confidence and develop pupils self-esteem.
- To develop social skills and responsible behaviour towards each other.
- To have responsibility in promoting positive behaviour.
- To be able to listen to others and respect their views.
- To communicate their ideas through discussion. To have self-belief.
To develop reasoning skills and contribute towards problem solving on issues of general concern.
Our school council is made up of approximately 20 members which consist of 2 representatives from each class.
These children are chosen by their classmates after discussions on who would like to be a Councillor and about being a good role model for keeping the class and school golden rules.
Our school council members meet regularly and take a key role in fundraising across the school to subside the cost of school trips.