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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base


Westbury Infants is a culturally diverse school representing different cultures, faith groups and nationalities.

At Westbury Infants Religious Education is important because it is vital to teach our pupils about the different religions and beliefs within our community and the wider world. Religious Education allows children to be reflective, thankful and celebrate their differences. Religious Education teaches pupils about diversity, respect and helps their spiritual, moral, social and cultural self to develop.






We celebrate Religious festivals throughout the year and invite visitors from faith communities to lead assemblies. We have religious believers in to classes to help supplement the children’s learning and answer questions they may have that relate to a specific topic they are studying. Classes also visit a place of worship.

In Early Years, RE is embedded throughout the curriculum and takes the form of role play, sharing stories and celebrating festivals.  In Key Stage 1, children learn about Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious assemblies.  Any parent wishing to exercise this right must make a written request to the Headteacher.