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Merry Christmas Pandas!

What a fabulous end to the term we have had this week!  The children were absolutely fabulous in their Christmas Nativity performances on Monday and Wednesday.  We hope you were as proud as we were when you watched them up there on the stage.  

We have had a wonderful time in class completing our Christmas Card DT project where our cards had a moving part.  There was certainly lots of fun had and glitter everywhere when we were making them!

Christmas dinner on Wednesday was a great success and we completed lots of lovely Christmas activities in class this week as well as producing some lovely writing for the end of a Christmas story.

The children have worked incredibly hard this term and we hope they have a wonderful holiday and a well deserved rest!  

We can't wait to see you back in school on Tuesday 7th January for another wonderful term of learning.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.x


Pandas 20th December