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A Warm but Wintery Welcome back!

Welcome back Panda Class.   The children have come back excited and ready to learn.  

During our English lessons this week we have started by looking at the wonderful book called 'The lighthouse keepers lunch'.  We have used the front cover to make predictions about what the story might be about; discussions about the character Mr Grinling whre we have been using adjectives to describe him  and the children had lots of fun using commas in lists to make delicious packed lunches and learning about homophones. 


Panda Class Lighthouse keeper writing



In maths we have been using related facts to help us find answers when working with larger 2 digit numbers.  We have used this when adding tens to our number and when adding or subtracting 1 to numbers larger that 50. 

In Science we have been learning about the season Winter which has been helped by the lovely frosty mornings, the flurries of snow showers and the icy puddles.  They have enjoyed learning about how lots of animals change their behaviour in winter to help keep themselves warm by growing an extra thick coat of fur or feathers; migrating to a warmer climate or hibernating until the warmer spring days come.  I think I would like to do the latter two!

Remember to keep practicing your sounds and reading everyday as it is really making a difference. 

Please can you also think about bringing in a box or carton that could be used to create a musical instrument as we will be making them in the coming weeks.


Have a wonderful weekend x