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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Pandas - Lighthouse Keepers Lunch

This week, Panda Class have continued to read and explore the wonderful book, The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.  We have been learning about how to use an apostrophe correctly to show that something belongs to someone, we have thought about sequencing events, thought about the questions that we might ask the characters, and thought about how the characters are feeling at different points in the story.

We also used the Ipads in computing time to create pictures of Lighthouses which had some fabulous results.

In Maths, we have been learning about addition and subtraction.  We have used Base 10 equipment to see what happens to the numbers when we move from one tens number to another.

Thank you to everyone who has handed back their letters about swimming confidence - this will help us to put the children into groups ready for our swimming lessons next term.

We've had lots of cardboard and other resources in to help us with making musical instruments.  We have decided we will make them next week, so if you haven't brought anything in yet, please do!

Have a lovely weekend!


Pandas 17th January