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Healthy fruit salads for everyone!

What a fun week we have had in Panda Class this week.  In DT we have been continuing to practice our cooking skills and develop our understanding about food and nutrition. We have been thinking about what foods  help us to stay healthy and how we can prepare them safely.  We talked about how to use the claw and bridge technique to chop, slice and cut fruit safely and which parts of the fruit we could eat.  After we had designed our fruit salads, we then prepared them carefully and safely before we enjoyed eating them.  It was delicious, colouful and nutritious and the children worked safely and carefully.  Great job Panda Class! 

In English we have been writing a non chronological report about visiting the sites of London.  We have learnt lots of interesting facts about key landmarks in London such as Buckingham Palace, The houses of parliament and Big Ben, The tower of London and the London Eye. The children have created super reports/ fact files using Headings and Sub Headings, opening statements and fact boxes with pictures to create interest.  They have put a lot of work into them, adding lots of details and should feel very proud of their finished pieces of work. 


Panda fruit salad



In maths we have started to learn about making equal groups and noticing lots of things that around us that are set out in arrays- egg boxes, bun tins, cake pop molds etc.  By setting object out in arrays it helps us to count more quickly and carefully.  In year 1 we are learning to count in groups of 2, 5 and 10 and in year 2 we also are counting in groups of 3. 

Next week there is a very helpful maths workshop at 2.00 followed by our parent event at 2.30pm on Wednesday.  We hope you will be able to join us for both.  

Have a super weekend x