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SS Great Britain and 2D shapes

What a fantastic day we had  last Friday when we visited the SS Great Britain.  The children had lots of fun seeing first hand Brunel's amazing achievements. We began  by looking around the top deck where we saw lots of animals they would have carried on their voyages, either to feed the first class passengers with fresh meat or to provide them with eggs and fresh milk.  We then enjoyed looking around the first class sleeping areas and dining room, adorned with gold and velvet cushions.  It was interesting to compare the first class areas to the sterrage areas and we all decided we would rather travel as firsts class passengers.  We also really enjoyed being able to explore under the ship, being able to see the iron hull and the screw propeller.  The children were a credit to our school and behaved beautifully. 




In maths this week we have started learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  We have been  learning the different names of each and counting the number of edges and vertices, which are where 2 or more sides meet.  Keep a look out for 2D and 3D shapes around your homes and see how many you can spot.  

Have a wonderful weekend x