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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Mighty Musicians and Mathematicians

Panda Class have worked their socks off this week and we have been blown away by their amazing attitude to learning. 

This week we have continued learning from the book The light house keepers lunch where we wrote a diary pretending we were Mr Grinling and recalling what had happened to us.  The detail the children were able to add to their work was incredible and we were so pleased with how well the children used challenging adjectives to bring their work to life. I have popped a few examples of their writing below.

We have been busy continuing our understanding of number this week and starting to add two 2 digit numbers together.  We did this first by not crossing the tens and then challenging our learning by crossing the tens.  If we add 25 and 37 we would draw 2 columns and draw the tens on one side and ones on the other.  We say 25 is upstairs and 37  downstairs.  Next we count the ones and if there are 10 we cross them out and add them to the tens in a basket at the bottom.  Finally we can count the ones and write it, and count the tens starting with the one ten in the basket.  It sounds complicated but the children were really getting the hang if it.  See if they can show you at home.

Finally we had lots of fun this week creating our own musical instruments and then performing as thought we were part of the orchestra.  They had so much fun and both making and playing and had some fantastic ideas. 

Please continue to hear your children read and practice their sounds as often as you can, remembering to sign their reading records so that they can feel successful. We hear the children read every day during RWI but having your support can really boost their confidence and ability to read. 110 is the number of reads to beat!

Are you available to help walk the children to their swimming lessons after half term on a Tuesday afternoon please?  We have had a few wonderful offers of help but it is always helpful to have a few extra pairs of hands.  Please let Mrs Kerbey, Mrs Millard or Mrs Airey know asap as we will need to add you names to the risk assessment and without your help we are not able to go.  Thank you 



Have a lovely weekend x