We are inspired!
It was lovely to welcome everyone back this week and to begin our fantastic new art topic on Georgia O'Keeffe. We have learnt that she was an American artist who took her inspiration from natural objects around her. So we decided to try and take our inspiration from natural objects in our environment. We then used the leaves we collected to practice our sketching and shading skills. Georgia O'Keeffe also loved to use bold vibrant colours to paint her pictures, so we then looked at painting by recognising the three primary colours and using them to create secondary colours.
During our English lesson we have started to look at the wonderful book ' The secret Sky Garden' by Linda Sarah. We have been using the story to look at writing in the past tense and the past progressive tense. For example if the story says Funni likes planting seeds, we would say Funni planted seeds or Funni was planting some seeds. We also tried to extend our sentences using adjectives and conjunctions. If you would like to listen to the story here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNZ5TgoK4wl
In maths we have continued to learn about mulitiplicaton and division, through grouping and sharing. It is quite tricky to see how 4+4 = 8 is the same as 4x2=8 and also double 4 equals 8! But they persevered so well done Panda Class!
This week was an extra exciting week back for Panda Class as we began our swimming lessons on a Tuesday and despite the children expressing their feelings of apprehension at home, when they got to the pool they were full of delight and had a really enjoyable time. Well done Panda Class for showing reslilance and determination. You are super stars!
Remember to try and read for 5 minutes every night and keep practicing your sounds. Have a lovely weekend x