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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Hello Sunshine!

How lovely has it been to see the sunshine again and feel a little bit of warmth from the sun hitting our skin?  The children have thoroughly enjoyed being able to run around at playtimes and lunchtimes without always needing their coats on, and our walk down to the swimming pool on Tuesday was glorious!

We are 2 weeks in to our swimming lessons and it is already so fabulous to see how confident we are in the pool and to see some fantastic progress already!  We did say we might need to rename our class to something water related at this rate!  We can't wait to see how much more we will improve over the rest of the term.

On Monday, we had 2 special visitors come to school - Ian and Cooper.  Cooper the dog absolutely loved meeting the children and listening to them read, and they will be back every week until the Easter holidays to listen to more of us read.

In our English lessons this week, we have continued to think about The Secret Sky Garden and designed our own sky gardens - and then wrote some fabulous description of them as an alternative ending to the book.  The children made some wonderful word choices to describe the different areas of the garden.

Pandas 5th March


Our Maths learning this week has been continuing to think about multiplication - multiplying and dividing by 5 and 10.  Tricky work again, but we have worked so hard to try and spot the patterns and use counting in 5s and 10s to help us.

In our RE topic this term, we are learning about creation and thinking about how Christians believe the world was created.  This week, the children enjoyed thinking about what creation means, and creating their own drawings and models.


It was lovely to see the children come in to school on Thursday dressed as words for our World Book Day celebration!

Please remember that as we are swimming this term, our PE days have changed to Monday and Tuesday, so please send children to school in their kits on these days, and then school uniform for the rest of the week.

Have a wonderful weekend.x