Zebra visit to the Holburn Museum
This week the children went to Bath on the coach to the Holburn Museum to visit the sculptures and to take part in a workshop which enabled us to try out out sculpture skills and make a figurative sculpture using mod-roc. The children enjoyed looking at the portraits and moving the wooden man into the poses they could see. They then moved their own metal framed person into a pose and learnt how to cover it with mod-roc. The children listened well to the instructions and created some super sculptures.
We also had our disco thon today and the children showed of some of their best moves! we had lots of fun dancing to the tunes.
Please can we remind you to bring the reading books back in on a Friday. If our sets have missing books it means the next group wont have enough books for all the children. There are some close readers nearing the 30 balloon reads so keep up with the reading at home, it really helps.
Have a wonderful weekend! The Zebra Team
zebra Holburn trip