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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Zebra 29.02.25

Welcome back!

We hope you all had a wonderful half term!! We were very surprised to receive an email from Andi over the holidays. She wanted to share with us her adventure in London. We were thrilled to see that she could tell her grown ups all about it and remembered such amazing facts about all the places we studied. Its so lovely to see your learning at home!!

This week the children have really got stuck into their new topic about Georgia O'Keeffe. To day they have loved exploring sketching using different pencils and trying out different drawing techniques. We listened to calming music and the children really enjoyed the activity.

We have also been exploring robots and how we can control them. We experimented trying to move the Bee Bots forwards and backwards. I wonder what we we get them to do next week?

We hope you enjoy reading the free books your child chose this week, remember to write any reads you do with your child in their reading record :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!