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Writing a diary!

What another busy week in Zebra Class! In fact, we have worked so hard we have managed to fill up out gem pot and earn a class reward (bubble fun!) Well done Zebra Class! 

In English, the children have really enjoyed thinking about writing a diary from the perspective of Mr Grinling from The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. They tried hard to capture how his week started rather badly but certainly improved! First, we thought about the features of diary writing and identified examples of these in some diary examples. We noticed that many diaries have the common features:

-Past tense verbs

-1st person tense (I)

-Descriptions of feelings


-Begin with 'Dear Diary'

-Time connectives

The children's finished diary writing was great!

In Maths, we have been practising counting forwards and backwards in tens. We have used a hundred square to help us with this. We have also started adding two numbers where we cross a ten. We have used manipulatives (Base 10) to help us understand this visually.

In our topic sessions, our learning about the United Kingdom came to an end. We recalled so many facts from the topic in a final piece of work. We could identify the four countries in the United Kingdom, their capital cities and some interesting facts and landmarks within each. Next week, we will be starting a DT topic where we will be learning to follow recipes and do some cooking!

In Computing, we have been exploring digital printing so take a look at the photos below!

In PE, we have been developing our hand-eye coordination to strike a ball with a racquet.  We have thought about the difference between fields and batters and what skills each require.

Next week- 

Library books due for a change on Monday

PE Days- Tuesday and Wednesday

Reading book change- Friday