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Wow Wallabies!

Friday 13th September

 We have come to the end of our first full week in Wallaby Class and we are so proud of them all.  It has been so lovely to see how well the children are continuing to settle in and make new friends.  The children now have their very own spot on the carpet which they remember to sit on when asked to return to the carpet.  We have been very impressed with how quickly they have remembered where they sit.

Wallabies have started learning their sounds, in fact we have looked at 25 sounds this week. They are all working so hard to remember the picture and say what it is. We have also been doing ‘squiggle whilst you wiggle’ which uses dance and large movements to help children develop the fine muscle control they need for learning to write.  Its great fun and the children have really enjoyed it.

This week, we have been busy exploring the classroom, painting the colour monster and learning about different emotions.  We have also been learning to subitise in maths which is where the children have to say the number without counting.


Enjoy looking at all the pictures, the children certainly have had a busy week. I am also sharing our Knowledge Organiser which tells you what we are learning about this term.

super duper me knowledge organiser.pdf



Next week.

PE on Wednesday so come into school dressed ready.

 Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.