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World Book Day and other fun!

We have had another fantastic week in Zebra Class. The children looked wonderful in their different costumes for World Book Day . Thank you for all your effort in supporting them with dressing as a word!

In English this week, we have continued to read 'The Secret Sky Garden' and started to imagine what our own ideal, roof-top garden would look like and include. We had a look at some examples of roof-top gardens and used adjectives to label the different features. E.g. Stone paths, marble bird bath, beautiful flowers, relaxing hammock. The children worked in pairs to do this and then went on to draw, make and write about their own perfect sky garden. The results were fabulous and the children's imaginations went wild. We had gardens with plants aimed at attracting bees and butterflies, gardens with tropical waterfalls and even gardens with built in gaming rooms! 


Continuing the plant theme.....in our Art lessons we have thought more about the work of the famous artist Georgia O'Keeffe. The children practised using oil pastels to sketch and recreate some of her work using a view finder to focus in on one specific area of the artwork. Scale was important to Georgia O'Keeffe, so the children tried hard to make their own art work big and bold! Next week, the children will be using powder paints and will mix primary and secondary colours to create their own Georgia O'Keeffe inspired art work. 

In Maths, the children have been revisiting counting in steps of 2s, 5s and 10s to support the skills of multiplication and division. The children have used grouping and sharing methods for division. We are really getting the hang of counting in 2s and 10s but counting in 5s is a bit trickier for some of us, so we will keep practising this!

The children were delighted to receive their very own class plant from Mrs Jeffery to look after as part of our Life Skills work. The aim is to give the plant everything it needs to stay alive and healthy (light, water, oxygen, care). During the Easter holidays, one lucky Zebra will be bringing the plant home to continue its care. It could be joining your family very soon! 


*Please sign up for Parents Evening if you still need to.

*Please complete the information for swimming in Term 5. A link was emailed to you, or you can scan the QR code displayed on the classroom door.

*Library books need to be returned on Monday so the children can choose a new one.

*New reading books will only be issued on a Friday if the book from the previous week is returned. 

*PE days- Tuesday and Wednesday

Have a lovely weekend and hopefully we will see more spring sunshine!

Mrs Rockey :-)