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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

What a marvellous week!

The marvellous Meerkats have been very busy growing their brains this week.  The children have enthusiastically leapt into their learning with both feet – enjoying all new topics during our first full timetabled week!

In Maths, the children have explored place value, using the resources to support their understanding.  They have accurately counted objects, looked at how we make 10, counted backwards and forwards and begun to explore teen numbers– we were very impressed with the mathematical language used by the children of ‘one less’ and ‘one more’ when explaining their reasoning.  We have also been practising subitising – whereby we identify by recognition – dice games are a great way to support your child with this skill.

We met Kevin and his robot in our class book ‘Can I build another me?’ by Shinsuke Yoshitake.  The children have used the story to practice speaking in full sentences, listening to others, reciting a story (using picture prompts) and writing sentences.  We had great fun using the talking tins, as the pictures show.  The children took it in turns to record a sentence and play it back to their group.  We learnt a catchy song to help us learn all about nouns before writing some fantastic sentences. It has been great to see the children challenge themselves and give their best effort – we could not ask for more. Keep it up Marvellous Meerkats! Some of the children even took their work to Mrs Newbury – she was very impressed too.

Our now Topic subject is Art – How do artists use clay to create art?  We are learning all about the sculptor Augusta Savage.  This week, we began by finding out facts about her and looking at her works.  The children shared their opinions on a variety of sculptures before sketching one of Augusta’s sculptures themselves.  In preparation for our own model making later in the term, the children drew self-portraits today, focusing on their own unique features and placement of facial features.  

In music, we listened to the second part of Peter and the Wolf. The children identified the different instruments used to represent the animals and we discussed which were their favourite and why.  The musical story really captured the children interest and luckily it was a happy ending -phew! We learnt a new song too ‘I am the music man’ and enthusiastically acted out the various instruments.  I think music is going to be a favourite lesson this term!

The children started in their new RWI groups this week and Book Bag reading books have gone home today for you to share with your children.  Please do visit the RWI blog to access resources to support your child.  If your child is unsure of their group, please do ask one of the Meerkats Class Team and we will let you know. https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-13th-September-2024/

A shout out for helpers:

We will be swimming in Term 2, if you are able to walk to and from the pool with us (Swimarium) on Tuesday afternoons please let myself or one of the team know.  Thank you.

Just a reminder:

PE is on Mondays (outdoors) and Thursdays (indoors) for Meerkat Class and children will need to come to school in their PE kit on those days:

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts/joggers
  • When PE is in the hall, the children are barefoot and when PE is outside, their normal school shoes are perfectly adequate to be able to take part safely. Daps can be sent in if you prefer, but are not essential.
  • Children can wear their school sweatshirt/cardigan

The new dinner menu is on the website, please do look at the menu with your child to help them when choosing their daily option.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/Noticeboard/Lunch-Menus/

Next week, I will be in class every day except Thursday when Mrs Erikson will take Meerkat class.  Our wonderful TAs, Mrs Allen will be in Mon-Wed and Miss Smith will be in Thurs-Fri.

Wishing you all a very happy weekend! 

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Allen and Ms Smith

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk