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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Welcome back Marvellous Meerkats!

Despite the weather, the Meerkat Team want to wish you all a very warm welcome back to school.  What a marvellous and busy first week Meerkat Class have had.  The Year 2 children have all settled back quickly into our routines and kindly supported the Year 1 children.  Already we can see the children working together as a team just like their class namesakes!  Myself and the Meerkat Team are very proud of them all – Keep it up Marvellous Meerkats!

This week we have shared and enjoyed a number of stories together.  Our class book is ‘Meerkat Mail’ by Emily Gravett.  We used the text as inspiration to think about the animals and their diet, we used meerkat Sunny’s adventures to classify what meerkats eat for dinner and what is a predator for them, before creating a pictorial fact sheet.  The children also used finger puppets to sequence and re- enact the story.  Again, a wonderful opportunity for the children to work together as a new class. You can share the story at home with your child using the following link.


The children will join their new RWI groups next week and Book Bag reading books will be going home next Friday for you to share with your children.  Please do visit the RWI blog to access resources to support your child.  If your child is unsure of their group, please do ask one of the Meerkats Class Team and we will let you know.

PE is on Mondays (outdoors) and Thursdays (indoors) for Meerkat Class and children will need to come to school in their PE kit on those days:

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts/joggers
  • When PE is in the hall, the children are barefoot and when PE is outside, their normal school shoes are perfectly adequate to be able to take part safely. Daps can be sent in if you prefer, but are not essential.
  • Children can wear their school sweatshirt/cardigan

Just a reminder:

As we are a ‘slipper school’, the children take their shoes off once inside the building.  If your child is unable to untie and tie their own laces, please can their school shoes be slip on or Velcro instead.  Please ensure that your child’s uniform, including hats, coats and lunchboxes, are labelled – it really does make it easier to identify and reunite children and their belongings.  Thank you 😊

A shout out for helpers:

We will be swimming in Term 2, if you are able to walk to and from the pool with us (Swimarium) on Tuesday afternoons please let myself or one of the team know.  Also, a big thank you to the parents who have volunteered to join us on our trip to the Holbourne Museum this term - Thursday 26th September.  Thank you.

The new dinner menu is on the website, please do look at the menu with your child to help them when choosing their daily option.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/Noticeboard/Lunch-Menus/

Next week, I will be in class every day with our wonderful TAs, Mrs Allen and Miss Smith.

Wishing you all a very happy and relaxing weekend! 

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Allen and Ms Smith

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk