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UK's traditional treats

Leopard Class started a new topic in DT this week, we are looking at 'Where in the UK do these traditional treats come from and can I make a healthy snack to go with them?' We started the week by learning about recipes and the importance of following them in order, to practise we made playdough. On Thursday, we had a very busy morning of making scones, a traditional treat for England. The children were ready to add all of the ingredients together and learn new skills such as mixing, pinching, kneeding, rolling and cutting. At the end of the day, we had a mini tea party and tried our scones, with jam, and a bit of Welsh cake. Mrs Kerbey kindly baked fifteens (Northern Irish) and Shortbread (Scottish) for us to try on Friday afternoon. The children loved all of the treats they tried!  Next week we will be continuing our DT topic and practising our cutting skills when we make fruit salads.

We started looking at a new book in English ‘A walk in London’ by Salvatore Rubbino, a story about a little girl who visits London and learns new facts about different landmarks she sees. We created our own map of London using the story and our Geography knowledge from our previous Topic learning, we included all the famous landmarks and bridges you can see if you visit our capital city. The children really enjoyed boarding a London double decker bus and went on a tour to see all the landmarks we had read about. In preparation for writing their own report on London next week, the children then recorded all their new learning on mind maps.

In maths, we have continued addition and subtraction. We answered word problems, found missing numbers and compared calculations.

PE was all about different shapes in gymnastics and accurate under arm throws in target games.


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)



  • Friday is non-uniform and Mrs Rous will be in to teach on this day.
  • Next term, on Tuesday 25th March, we will be going on our trip to Warminster Park. Please let me know if you can support Leopard Class on this day. Email me on class4@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk or speak to me on drop off/ pick up.