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Terrific Scientific Meerkats!

Another great week for the Meerkat class, we have been very busy growing our brains and meeting our kindness challenge of sharing smiles and caring for each other’s feelings.  We have also been learning Makaton sign language to say ‘good morning’ and ‘good afternoon’ – do ask your child to show you.

In English, inspired by our book ‘Monkey Puzzle’ by Julia Donaldson, the children wrote their own retell of the story of the little lost monkey.  Myself and the team had our socks blown off with the impressive writing from all the children.  This first term, we have concentrated on our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops and the children worked hard to ensure they included these fundamentals.  There was also some great descriptive language used and I am looking forward to sharing the children’s books with you next week at parents evening. 

On that note, thank you all for signing up for an appointment, I am very much looking forward to seeing you all on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

In maths, we have continued with addition, we have used a variety of resources to support our learning and physically show and complete calculations.  The children have also been focussing on their digit formation when recording their work.  I am hearing great maths vocabulary from the children when they are explaining what they have noticed or how they know the answer.  Keep it up marvellous Meerkats!

In PE we have focussed on our throwing and jumping techniques.  The children work so well as a team, supporting each other with learning and practicing the skills alongside encouraging each other when it’s a bit tricky.

Music has definitely been our favourite lesson this term.  We have learnt six different songs and listened to a variety of different pieces of music.  I have a little treat in store for the Meerkats next week when we will be performing our favourite ‘Kookaburra’ to another class.

We used our investigating skills in science this week, looking at clues to identify animals and sorting animals according to their diet.  We were surprised that some very big animals were herbivores whilst some small animals were carnivores and we put ourselves into the omnivore (or as we say omm yom yom omnivores – because they eat everything!) section. It has been great hearing the children share their facts with me about all they know about animals.

We visit the school library each Tuesday and the children can choose at book to take home to share with you.  Please return these on Tuesdays so others can share them too.  Book bag reading books are issued every Friday, please ensure that your child has their reading book in school every day as we are so fortunate to have volunteers (Shirley and Rhonda) who come in each week to listen to the children read.  Here’s the link to the RWI blog to further support you child’s reading at home.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-11th-October-2024/

 Date for the diary:

Parent celebration event – Wednesday 23rd October.  You are very welcome to join us in class at 2.30pm for a craft activity.

 A shout out for helpers:

  • We are looking for parents to help us walk to church for the harvest service on Monday 21stOctober.   Leaving school 1.35pm and back by the end of the school day.
  • Next term we will be swimming on Tuesday afternoons – we do require some helpers to walk to and from the pool (Swimarium) with us each week 1.35 – 3.00pm. Please let me know if you can help.

Next week, I will be in class every day except Thursday when Mrs Erikson will teach Meerkat class.  Our wonderful TAs, Mrs Allen will be in Mon-Wed and Miss Smith will be in Thurs-Fri.

 Wishing you all a very happy weekend! 

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Allen and Ms Smith

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk