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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Term 4

Welcome to Term 4 everybody! We hope you had a really lovely, restful half-term break.

We have had a great first week back and have welcomed Mr Edwards, our new trainee teacher, to the classroom. Mr Edwards is from Bath Spa University and is undertaking the second stage of his teacher training, so do come and say hello as he would love to meet you all. 

We have started our new Art topic about the French artist, Henri Rousseau. He loved to paint jungles, rainforests and jungles, even though he had never actually visited them in real life. He just used his amazing imagination! Over the next 3 weeks, we will be creating our own piece of art work in his style, using collaging and printing techniques. We started by sketching different leaves this week in our sketch books as well as finding out some facts about his life. The children should have already brought home their Art knowledge organiser so that you can see what skills we will be learning.

In Maths this week, we have been learning about length and height. We started the week by comparing objects using vocabulary such as longer, shorter and taller. Then later in the week we started to use centimeters to measure more accurately.

In English, we have enjoyed reading 'The Last Wolf' which at first we thought would be just like Little Red Riding Hood but it is actually quite different! If you would like to read the story at home, please use the link below.


We have also enjoyed PE outdoors and have started to learn the skills of tennis. Please can you make sure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thank you!

Finally, please can we encourage you to read as regularly as possible with your child at home. The Year 1 children will be undertaking the statutory phonics reading check in June so every extra practice helps. 




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