Swimming begins!
Welcome to Term 5 Zebra Class! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and didn't eat too much chocolate!!
We started our week off with a wonderful experience......swimming! I cannot explain how amazing every single child was at the pool on Tuesday. Myself, Miss McVeigh and all of the adult helpers were so proud of the children. They showed confidence in trying a new skill and their faces were full of happiness in the water. The pool staff commented on how well behaved the children were and what a delight they were to teach. Thank you to ALL of our parent helpers who came with us. We cannot wait to repeat the experience again next Tuesday.
In English, we started reading our new book, 'The Ugly Five'. We met a spotted hyena, a wildebeest, a vulture, a stork and a warthog and enjoyed working together to describe these very unusual African creatures. The children thought of some fantastic adjectives and noun phrases in their writing. We will be working towards writing postcards, so thank you so much for the examples of postcards we have received from your travels!
In Maths, we have been learning to count in 2s and 5s. We have thought about the numbers we say and whether they are odd or even numbers. We have practised counting forwards and backwards in sequences of 2s and 5s.
In Geography, we have started a new topic on Africa and we will be comparing what it is like to live in Kenya and Westbury later on in the topic. To begin with, we explored the Nairobi National Park using Google Earth and we have located Kenya on maps and globes.
In PE, we have started practising skills such as balancing. We balanced bean bags on different parts of our body....this was definitely not as easy as it looked!
Next week, it is our school visit to Noah’s Ark Zoo on Wednesday 24th April. The children need to wear their school jumper and comfy trousers with sturdy shoes. They will need a backpack to carry their lunch. We will be back within school time and if we are running late you keep an eye on social media for any updates.
Important reminders…
- - Swimming- Tuesday 23rd April (please remember your swimming kit!)
- - Noah’s Ark Zoo trip Wednesday 24th April