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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Super Sports Stars!

What a lovely way to end the term with a wonderful sports day.  The weather was perfect, the activities were fun and the children joined in enthusiastically.  Thank you to all of the parents who were able to join us and support their children taking part.  The  carousel of activities enabled the  children to keep active for the whole afternoon and helped the children to show real sportsmanship qualities such as teamwork, determination, friendship and resilience.  Well done Panda Class you were real Super Stars!

Panda class have enjoyed finishing off their topic on puppets, creating some lovely leaflets about how to make a puppet.  They have also worked really hard on creating some wonderful riddles about 'The Big 5'.  Here are a few for you to enjoy. 

Please remember to keep practicing your sounds and reading a little everyday.  Just 5 minutes will make such a huge difference.  

Have lots of fun.  Enjoy the holidays.  We look forward to seeing you soon. x


Panda Class sports day and riddles