Summer Term Skills!
Wow! What a start to the term. The children have come back rested and ready to learn. It’s hard to believe that we are so close to the end of the school year, it is flying by.
We have kicked off the term with our Africa topic. The children have been using atlases to locate Kenya and thinking about the different features you would find there. This has linked really well with our story in English, ‘The Ugly Five’. It is a Julia Donaldson story and is very funny to listen to. There is a link if you would like to share it at home
In maths, all of the children have been revising their counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. they have used lots of different apparatus to reinforce their learning.
We have started skills-based PE sessions. This week we looked at balancing and using our observational skill. It wasn’t as easy as it looked!
Next week we visit Noah’s Ark Zoo on Tuesday. The children need to wear their school jumper and comfy trousers with sturdy shoes. They will need a backpack to carry their lunch. We will be back within school time and if we are running late you keep an eye on social media for any updates.
Important reminders…
- - Mrs Millard will be in class on Thursday and Friday
- - Noah’s Ark Zoo trip Tuesday 23rd April
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