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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Story Writing for Leopard Class

This term is flying by, but the children continue to show fantastic efforts with their learning.

In maths, we have been consolidating our learning with money. The Year 1 children have been looking at coin values and calculating and comparing amounts of coins.  The Year 2 children have been adding and subtracting amounts using coins and notes.  We used the idea of a shop to practise this skill.

In English, inspired by Mrs Armitage on wheels, the children have written their own adventure stories.  The children created their own characters and used different ideas of how to improve a scooter to rewrite the story. They all did such an amazing job and really showed off how much their writing skills have developed.

We reached the end of our history topic ‘Cars’ this week too.  The children looked at how cars were and now are powered and the importance of the production line within the car industry before showing off all their learning with a mind map.  They all showed an amazing level of understanding in our end of unit quiz too!

In computing, we have been using the Scratch programme to create an animated sequence.  The children have learnt how to create a sprite character, change backgrounds, add speech and move their character. 

In PE, the children have been working on their dribbling and attacking/ defending skills in our football lessons. The kept control of the ball as their partner tried to get the ball from them.

In life skills we spoke about having a positive mindset and affirmations to help us with our day. We put different poses to the sayings.

  • I am strong
  • I can achieve anything
  • I am supported
  • I am steady
  • I am powerful
  • I am important
  • I am brave
  • I am unique
  • I believe in myself

The sunshine is finally with us, please ensure that your child has a sunhat in school every day.  Also, please can children wear their PE kit to school on Monday and Thursday.



- Miss McMillan will be in all week to teach Leopard Class.

-Tuesday 25th June- Year 2 move up afternoon to the Juniors.

-Friday 28th June- Colour Run