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Sporting Meerkat Superstars!

It’s hard to believe that we have reached the end of Term 5 already but what a fabulous way to end the term.  The marvellous Meerkats were truly marvellous today as they enjoyed their Sports Day.  We all saw so much fantastic teamwork and support and enthusiasm for the events from all the children. A big thank you to all parents and grandparents for your support too. It really is so lovely to share these events with you.  May I just acknowledge how well the children coped with their disappointment on Wednesday when the weather was up against us and we had to postpone.  They all showed such resilience as we talked about disappointment and bouncing back.  As it was our PE day we had an extra practice of some of the events inside – as you saw today, the javelin is definitely a Meerkat favourite!  Future Olympians there I think! I have included photos from our practice day on Monday too.

It was all about time in Maths this week.  The Year 1 children learning to tell the time when it is o’clock and half past the hour.  They worked with the Year 2 children to create their own clocks and set the hands to various times.  The Year 2 children took their learning a step further; learning how to tell quarter past and to the hour before progressing to telling the time in 5-minute intervals.  Please do support this life skill at home by asking you child the time or by referring to it.

We have revisited previously learnt skills in English this week; sentence types, word classes and descriptive language.  Using all these skills then children then wrote their own riddles based on the Big 5.  Again, myself and Ms Smith were so impressed with the work produced that we had no choice but to send some children (it was very hard to choose who) off to Mrs Newbury to show her their fabulous writing. 

The children have really enjoyed our DT topic ‘How do we make a puppet?’ and have all made spectacular puppets which are now all up on display in our classroom.  They concluded the topic by writing super sentences about the steps they followed to make the puppet.  As the children enjoyed the sewing so much we spent Thursday afternoon sewing running and cross stitches with the binca fabric.  The children’s sewing skills are truly amazing and it has been an activity that they have all thoroughly enjoyed.  Please do let know if you want information on the binca or type of needles we used as I am sure they would all like to continue this newly learnt skill at home.

A phonics booklet of sounds and activities have been sent home with the Year 1 children this week and will support you child in preparation for the phonics screening check next term.  Please see letter link for more details.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/docs/letters/letters_2023-2024/RWI_phonics_screening_letter.pdf

Next term we will be continuing with PE on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please ensure that your children wear their PE kit to school on these days.

The first week of Term 6, I will be in class Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Hughes taking Meerkat Class all day Monday and Wednesday morning.  Ms Smith, our amazing TA will be with the class all week.

Once again, thank you for all your continued support.  Wishing you all a lovely bank holiday weekend and half term break.  Fingers crossed for some sunshine! 

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk