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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Skillful scientists and wonderful writers

This week Panda Class have continued to enjoy finding out about animals; discovering what they eat and how to classify them as Herbivores, Carnivores an Omnivores. They have also had lots of fun working scientifically to identify what animals may have been prowling around by looking at the clues they have left behind. We had lots of fun using magnifying glasses and taking our learning outside to follow the clues. 




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Panda Story writing - Monkey Puzzles


aths this week we have been learning about doubles; recognising doubles as 2 lots of the same number and  beginning to understand that half is the inverse of double. We are also learning to spot doubles within numbers and count 1 more as a way to add more quickly. For example in 7 +6 we can spot double 6 and add one more.  So double 6 is 12, add one more is 13.  This was a really tricky concept for lots of children so do not worry! Keep practicing at home as the more you can spot doubles the quicker you will get at counting!

Panda Class have really enjoyed using the story Monkey Puzzles by Julia Donaldson to help them with developing their wonderful story writing skills this week.  They have blown us away with their amazing stories this week! Well done Panda Class you are becoming Super writers because you are applying all of the skills you have been taught so far this term.  Starting sentences with capital letters, using finger spaces between words and remembering to use a full stop at the end of your sentences. All of these things make it so easy to read your wonderful writing.  But what makes it even more enjoyable to read is how the children are using adjectives to create expanded noun phrases and are using conjunctions and time connectives to create structure to their stories.  FANTASTIC!



Lots of progress is being made with knowing all of their sounds through all of your hard to work to hear your children read daily so a BIG Thank you for your continued support.  It is making a real difference. Have a great weekend x