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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Sewing fun!

This week, the children have become experts at sewing! They started the week by designing their own hand puppet, choosing fabric, buttons, pipe cleaners and other materials to accessorise their puppets. The children then practised using a simple running stitch in readiness for joining the fabric for their hand puppet together. On Wednesday afternoon, some of the parents and grandparents joined Zebra Class to help sew our hand puppets (thank you, grown ups!) The finished products are amazing and look just like our original designs. Please take a look at our puppets below- I think you will agree that they look fantastic!

In maths, the children have been thinking about sequencing the days of the week and months of the year. If you would like to practise this at home, the Adams Family version of the days of the week is rather catchy (see link below).

Bing Videos

In English, the children have worked really hard to write non-chronological reports about Africa's Big Five.  They have thought about the layout of a report and have included a title, introduction, sub-headings and pictures within their reports. We are really pleased with how hard the children are trying with their writing in class.

Next Wednesday afternoon we have our new-style sports day, which will be held at the Infant School. We hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join us for an exciting carousel of sports activities.  All information has been emailed to you.

Important reminders:

  • - PE kit on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • - Swimming kit on Tuesday. This will be our last session.