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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Sensory Fun!

What a brilliant week we have had!

It's lovely to see how we're improving in our skipping.  We've been practising for a few minutes most days, and there have been some fantastic improvements from both children who were confident already, or who were finding it tricky!

In our English topic, we have been developing our speaking and listening skills and also our sentence structure, making sure we use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and have learnt about using commas in lists.

One of our activities this week was to talk about things that we liked and disliked and we did this by using some of our senses - touch, smell and listening.  You can see from the photographs that we got, that there were some fabulous reactions and it definitely sparked some great speaking and listening, which we later turned into some fabulous writing!

Another fun activity we have done this week, is pen discos!  The children have created some fabulous art while developing their motor skills and pencil grip.


Pandas 20th September



Please note, that next week Mrs Millard and Mrs Kerbey are working on different days to the normal timetable.  Mrs Kerbey will be teaching on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Mrs Millard will be in class for the trip on Thursday and again on Friday.

Have a lovely weekend.