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What a wonderful week it has been in Firefly class. 

The children have continued their work in maths on fractions and have been finding quarters and thirds. First we had to use apparatus and then moved on to drawing pictures to help us find the answers. 

During our science work, the children have been investigating different microhabitats. The were learning outside the classroom to see who lived in the different habitats. We had a wonderful time looking for different minibeasts. Apparently there was a tarantula hiding in the hedge!

Over the next few days there are a lot of different events.

- Friday 24th March - Church. All year 2 parents invited. 

- Monday 27th March - all children to come to school in PE and SCHOOL JUMPER bringing a water bottle. Matravers sports event. 

- Thursday 30th and Friday 31st March - Mrs Ibbeken in class. 

- Friday 31st March - break up for the Easter Holiday. Return to school on Monday 17th April. 

Have a great holiday when it arrives!