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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Puppets for Leopard Class!

This week was all about making our puppets in our design and technology lessons. On Wednesday, the children used all of their learnt skills to make their hand puppets. They used different joining techniques, such as the running stitch and glue and decorated them with a variety of materials. The children did an AMAZING job! I was so proud of all their resilience, skill and teamwork throughout the lesson. A massive thank you to all the adults who came in on Wednesday afternoon to support the children!!

In maths, the children have continued with time. Year 1s have ordered and sequenced days of the week and months of the year, as well as looking at the units of time- seconds, minutes and hours. Yerar 2 have built on from o'clock and half past to read the times of quarter to and quarter past.

The children wrote their non-chronological reports on the Big 5 this week. They have produced great pieces of writing to tell the reader what the animals look like, eat and do. 

In PE we practiced some of the sports day activities and as always, the children helped, supported and encouraged each other throughout.  We are very much looking forward to you joining us next week for sports day. SPORTS DAY – WEDNESDAY 22ND MAY. Please ensure the children wear PE kit to school on this day, and on Monday for our practise afternoon.

Please can you ensure you send the children in with a sun hat each day, ready to wear at break and lunch times, as well as PE lessons.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class Team :)



  • Sports Day afternoon is on Wednesday. Prompt start at 1:45pm.
  • A supply teacher will be teaching Leopard Class on Thursday.
  • Non-uniform day on Friday.