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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Puppets Galore!

It was all about the sewing this week.  Please do check out the pictures to see how well all of the children did making their puppets. We were so impressed with what they made – well done marvellous Meerkats! Their binca practice definitely paid off when the children confidently began sewing their puppets together.  They followed their plans and created fabulous puppets – soon to be a feature display in our classroom.  May I take the opportunity to say a very big THANK YOU to our parents and grandparents who joined us in class to support with the activity.  Your support with these activities is invaluable and the children love having visitors to our class.

We have been learning to tell the time in Maths this week, looking at o’clock, half past and quarter past and to.  Please do support this skill at home by referring to the time and asking your child to have a go at telling the time.

The children wrote their own non-chronological reports on the Big 5 in English this week.  They included all the relevant features and wrote the most amazing reports.  It is hard sometimes to remember that they are only Year 1 and 2 when we see the fabulous writing - myself, Mrs Hughes and Miss Smith are so proud of them and their hard work.  The gem jar is filling up!

We have been learning all about the Muslim faith in RE and this week the children learnt about the importance of prayer for people who follow this religion.  They drew beautiful prayer mats, noting the details from examples shown.   All of their shared learning is in our class floor book.

In PE we practiced some of the sports day activities and as always, the children helped, supported and encouraged each other throughout.  We are very much looking forward to you joining us next week for sports day. SPORTS DAY – WEDNESDAY 22ND MAY https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/docs/letters/letters_2023-2024/Sports_Day_2024.pdf

We will be visiting our school library on Tuesday.  Please have a look at home for any unreturned school library books and return them on Tuesday as the library is used by all the children of our school.  Also, please check to see if you have any book bag books (not the current one your child is reading) and return them to school next week as new books are issued every Friday but not all children are bringing their previous weeks book in.

On that note, thank you for your continued support with your child’s reading.  Please do look at the RWI blog to access links to the phonics videos.

Next week, I will be in class all week with Miss Smith, our amazing TA.  We look forward to seeing all the children on Monday.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend – hopefully the sun might be back!

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk