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Pootastic! Science and Mighty Maths

This week Panda class have been observing closely who lives here and why.  We have been looking at the different animals that live in habitats and microhabitats and noticing how they can adapt to where they live. Sometimes they can make themselves camouflaged in order to protect themselves from predators.  Next we have been learning about identifying animals and sorting them according to what they eat.  We had lots of fun looking at (PRETEND) animal poo! and finding out if we can tell if they were a herbivore, carnivore or an omnivore.  

In maths this week our year 1 children have been ordering numbers from biggest to smallest and smallest to biggest, identifying 1 more or 1 less and placing digits on a number line.  They are working really hard and getting very good and explaining their thinking.  Our year 2 children have also been extending their learning using a number line up to 100 to order numbers in 10s and then placing digits on a number line in the correct place. It is quite a tricky skill to create a number line starting with a ten number, marking on the middle number and then the 4 numbers in between. 

In English we have continued our wonderful work on the story of the Bog Baby and tried to used the suffix 'ed' to describe different things our Bog Baby might do.  I have copied a few examples of their super writing.  We cant wait to see what they are going to write next week! Have a lovely weekend x