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Plants and Rosie Red!

This week in Zebra Class, we have continued to work really hard.

In Science, we have continued our topic on plants. We have thought about the life cycle of a sunflower and how once a sunflower dies, the seeds are scattered either by the wind, birds, animals or may even be replanted by humans. This starts the growing cycle all over again. The children have really enjoyed our plant topic this term, especially planting and growing cress seeds as well as their own sunflowers. We hope the children can carry on nurturing and growing their sunflowers over the Easter holidays! Keep us posted how they are getting on!

In English, we have started planning our own sequel to Goldilocks and the Three Bears, using our new character, Rosie Red.  We wrote some fantastic character descriptions of Rosie Red and used adjectives to describe her appearance and personality. We decided she is a fearless, brave, adventurous character! We have started to plan out our ideas and think about how she will fix some of the problems encountered in Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

In Maths, we have practised counting on and counting back, using number lines and concrete materials to helps us. The children are becoming more confident in counting backwards, as well as forwards with the help of their number lines.

In Computing, we have thought about how we can sort data using different attributes (e.g. hair colour, eye colour, number of legs, type of transport) and have collected data about the attributes of the children in our class and have used this to create a pictogram on the iPad.

Please don't forget that you are invited into class on Monday afternoon (25th March) at 2.30pm for our parent event. We hope to see as many of you as possible!