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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

People Who Help Us

What a wonderful week it has been in Wallabies.  We have been continuing to learn lots of new sounds and writing them in our books.  The children have been air writing the letters first and then writing them down.  Please do check out the RWI blog on the school website with your child. https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/RWI-Blog/ There are also some Fred Talk videos you can practice as well.  The children have to listen to the sounds and see if they can put them together and say the word.

We have also been thinking about people who help us in our community.  The children have been dressing up as policemen and have been enjoying playing with the fire station and fire engines.  Our role play is even a Doctor’s Surgery.  In Art we have been drawing self portraits which are all up in the classroom.  I was so proud of them all, the Wallabies really worked hard on them.

In Maths, we have been looking at ABABAB patterns using natural resources and cubes. You can practice this at home and see what patterns they come up with.  In Music, we have been learning lots of songs and singing them together with actions.  A favourite is Ring a Ring A Roses and Jelly on a Plate.


Next week

Monday, Wednesday and Friday is Mrs Bayley

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is Mrs Atwill.

Parents evenings are Tuesday and Wednesday after school.

PE is on Wednesday.


On Wednesday  23rd October, we would like to invite you into school for a celebration event at 14:30pm.  We will be making skeletons using different materials.


Have  a lovely weekend and see you next week.