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Panda's Term 6 Week 1! 

It’s been a fantastic first week back and the sun has been shining each day.  The children have all come back feeling refreshed and ready to go for their last term in Panda class. Please make sure that the children bring in a sun hat if they have one.  We do have sunhats at school if not.  Suntan lotion is a must and needs to be applied before school each day. 

This week, we started out new history topic on Cars.  I was amazed at how much the children already know! We had a visit from Steve and Jim who bought their old cars for the children to sit in and enjoy looking at.  We compared their cars with newer modern cars and talked about the similarities and differences.

In English, we started our new book Mrs Armitage on Wheels.  The children already know the story and have enjoyed hot seating Mrs Armitage.  Over the next two weeks, they will be writing their own adventure stories.

In maths, we have introduced money (coins and notes).  They have explored how different amounts are made by partitioning and finding the total using notes and coins. 

We have also started learning a musical instrument called the Ocarina! Lots of fun and noise!

A huge thank you to all the Grandparents who came in this afternoon to play to support their grandchildren. We had a lovely time creating our own colourful cars and playing games.


Next week,

Friday 14th- school trip.  Letters have been emailed out.

PE- Tuesday (inside).