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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Our first full week in Year 1

What an amazing first, full week we have had in Zebra Class. The children should feel so proud of themselves. They have worked so hard, following our new rules and routines and giving their best to all the learning tasks.

In English we have been looking at the book ‘Can I build another me?’ The children have been talking and writing about themselves, noticing how we are all different but that is what makes us special and unique. We have been very impressed with the children's sentence writing and how well they are using their keys words, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

The children have also enjoyed strengthening their fine motor muscles in their hands with a 'dough disco'. These were great fun and we did lots of pinching, squeezing, splatting, rolling and drumming with our dough!

In Maths, we have explored numbers within 10, making sure we can represent them in different ways. We have practised using our rekenrek tool, which is an abacus that helps us with our counting. 

In Art, we have been looking at the work of the famous artist Augusta Savage, who liked to make sculptures. We have tried to be just like her and have made our own sculptures from playdough and also different construction equipment.



This term, PE is on Tuesdays (outdoors) and Wednesdayus (indoors) and children will need to come to school in their PE kit on those days:

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts/joggers
  • When PE is in the hall, the children are barefoot and when PE is outside, their normal school shoes are perfectly adequate to be able to take part safely. Daps can be sent in if you prefer, but are not essential.
  • Children can wear their school sweatshirt/cardigan


Reading Books:

You will notice that on Mondays the children will bring a library book home. This is a book for you to enjoy together and it is not expected that the children will necessarily be able to read this book themselves- it is simply one they read for pleasure. You can still record this as 'one read' in the reading diary when you have shared it together.  Your children should have brought home their school reading book, which is linked to their stage of phonics/ Read, Write, Inc.

Reading books are changed every Friday. For additional reading activities please see the RWI blog page. There are also log in details for Oxford Owl inside reading records.

Next week…

Mrs Rockey (Monday and Tuesday)

Mrs Channon (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)