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Nurturing Nurses!

We have turned into Historians this week and begun an amazing topic on Florence Nightingale. The children have had the most fantastic time pretending to be nurses and doctors and practised their skills using a bandage. We have looked at how Florence changed hospitals from smelly, unhygienic places to the clean and sanitised place we are used to.

In our Mastering Number sessions, we have been looking at the composition of the number 7 and number bonds associated with it. The Year 1 children have been refining their place value skills to 50 and using apparatus to make numbers, while the Year 2 children have been grouping and sharing using pictures.

In English we have been writing Haiku’s and know that it’s a very short poem that doesn’t have to rhyme but is all based on the number of syllables. It wasn’t as easy as it looked.

The children will need PE kit on Wednesday and Friday next week and Mrs Millard will be in class on Wednesday morning and all-day Friday.

Have a great weekend.