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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

New topics of animals

These weeks are just flying by!

This week, we have been excited to start some new learning. Lots of which involves animals. In science, we have started to think about ‘Who lives in the animal kingdom and what do they look like?’.  The children have learned about the different animal groups and have grouped animals according to their classification, identified features and labelled body parts to see similarities and differences. 

We have started our new book ‘Monkey Puzzle’ by Julia Donaldson in English. The children really enjoyed using finger puppets to act out the story, using memorable phrases, voices and team work to retell the events of the book. We have used adjectives to write character descriptions and drew story maps. 

In maths, we have been exploring number bonds to 10 and 20.  Using resources and known facts the children have worked hard to write addition number sentences.

The children have conctinued to be amazing in their swimming session on a Tuesday afternoon and in our indoor PE session this week, it was great to see the children practising their jumping, hopping and skipping skills.

Book change day is Friday so please ensure your child has their reading book in school that day.  Here’s a link to the RWI blog to see resources to further support your child at home.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-4th-October-2024/

A shout out for helpers:
We are looking for parents to help us walk to church for the harvest service on Monday 21stOctober.   Leaving school 1.40pm and back by the end of the school day.



  • Mrs Erickson will be teaching Leopard Class on Thursday.
  • Please sign up for parents evening if you haven't already :)


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)