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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Naming Nouns and Proud Portraits

This week Panda Class have been very busy settling into new class routines; new groups for RWI and mastering number.  It takes lots of brain power remembering where to find different resources, how to set our work out neatly keeping writing on the line or single digits in different boxes as well as starting to learn lots of new information.  Well done Panda class you should be super proud of much effort you are showing and how kindly you are helping each other.  What a fab start!

In Art we have started learning about the African- American artist -Augusta Savage who  created realism sculptures of heads and shoulders out of clay. We had fun sorting pictures of  sculptures into 2 groups; those created by Augusta Savage and those that were not.  We then looked carefully out our faces in the mirror and tired to draw them adding as much detail as possible.  I think you will agree their portraits are fabulous. 


Panda portraits 2024



In English we have started reading a book called "Can I build another me?" and have been learning that nouns are naming words.  We have been labelling our faces and our different body parts.  

In Maths we have been reminding ourselves how to count forwards and backwards starting from different numbers, recognising that 10 can be represented in a variety of ways and how to add 3 numbers to create 10.  

The children should have bought home a reading book this week and it would be lovely if you can support your children by reading it together ever day and signing their reading record.  It only needs to be 5 minutes a day  but it really will make all the difference to their ability and enjoyment of being able to read.  Please also look on our RWI blog page to find useful ways to help your child succeed at reading.  

Have a lovely weekend x